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There are 13 six-letter words containing 2G, N and R

GANGERganger n. (Chiefly Scotland) One who or that which walks or goes; a goer; a walker.
ganger n. A horse that goes quickly.
ganger n. One who oversees a gang of workmen.
GINGERginger n. The pungent aromatic rhizome of a tropical Asian herb, Zingiber officinale, used as a spice and as a…
ginger n. The plant that produces this rhizome.
ginger n. Other species belonging to the same family, Zingiberaceae, especially those of the genus Zingiber.
GORGONgorgon n. (Greek mythology) A vicious female monster from Greek mythology with sharp fangs and hair of living…
gorgon n. An intimidating, ugly, or disgusting woman; anything hideous or horrid.
gorgon adj. Like a gorgon; very ugly or terrifying.
GORINGgoring v. Present participle of gore.
goring n. The act by which something is gored; a wound inflicted by a horn, usually the horn of a bull in the…
goring n. (Textiles) A piece of cloth cut diagonally to increase its apparent width.
GRANGEgrange n. (Archaic) A granary.
grange n. (Britain) A farm, with its associated buildings; a farmhouse or manor.
grange n. (US) A lodge of the Patrons of Husbandry, a fraternal organization.
GRUINGgruing v. Present participle of grue.
GRUE v. to shudder, feel the flesh creep, also GREW.
GRUNGEgrunge n. (Informal) Dirt or filth, especially when difficult to clean.
grunge n. (Informal) The state of being filthy; grubbiness.
grunge n. (Music) A subgenre of alternative rock, originating from Seattle, Washington, which melds punk and metal.
GRUNGYgrungy adj. Dirty; shabby; in disrepair.
grungy adj. Of or relating to grunge music.
GRUNGY adj. dirty, messy, also GRUNGEY.
GYRINGgyring v. Present participle of gyre.
GYRE v. to move in a circle or spiral.
NAGGERnagger n. One who nags.
NAGGER n. one who nags, esp. a woman.
NUGGARnuggar n. (Historical) An Arab sailing boat used for trading and transporting supplies.
NUGGAR n. (Arabic) a large boat used to carry cargo on the Nile.
RAGINGraging v. Present participle of rage.
raging adj. Volatile, very active or unpredictable.
raging adj. (Of a person) In a state of rage; in a state of extreme, often uncontrollable, anger.
URGINGurging v. Present participle of urge.
URGING adj. urgent.
URGING n. the act of urging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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