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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2G, O and T

FAGGOTfaggot n. (Chiefly Britain, collective) A bundle of sticks or brushwood intended to be used for fuel tied together…
faggot n. (Obsolete) Burdensome baggage.
faggot n. A bundle of pieces of iron or steel cut off into suitable lengths for welding.
GEOTAGgeotag v. (Internet, transitive) To augment (photographs or other items) with metadata indicating a geographic location.
GEOTAG n. a digital code that assigns geographical co-ordinates to an item of data.
GEOTAG v. to assign a geotag to.
GIGLOTgiglot n. (Obsolete) A strumpet; a wanton girl.
giglot adj. (Obsolete) giddy; inconstant; wanton.
GIGLOT n. (obsolete) a giddy girl, a wanton, also GIGLET, GILLET, JILLET.
GIGOTSgigots n. Plural of gigot.
GIGOT n. (French) a leg of lamb, also JIGOT.
GOGLETgoglet n. A jar or vase of porous pottery for keeping water cool by evaporation.
GOGLET n. (Portuguese) a porous earthen jar for cooling water by evaporation, also GUGLET, GURGLET.
GORGETgorget n. (Historical) A piece of armour protecting the throat and/or the upper part of the chest.
gorget n. (Historical) A crescent-shaped ornamental metal plate suspended around the neck from the crescent’s…
gorget n. (Historical) A type of women’s clothing covering the neck and breast; a wimple.
HOGGEThogget n. (Chiefly UK, New Zealand) A young colt or sheep of either gender from about 9 to 18 months of age (until…
hogget n. (Chiefly UK, New Zealand) The meat of a young sheep.
hogget n. (Chiefly UK) A young boar of the second year.
LOGGATloggat n. (Obsolete) A small log or piece of wood.
loggat n. (Obsolete, in the plural) An old game in England, played by throwing pieces of wood at a stake set in the ground.
LOGGAT n. a small log or piece of wood.
MAGGOTmaggot n. A soft, legless larva of a fly or other dipterous insect, that often eats decomposing organic matter.
maggot n. (Derogatory) A worthless person.
maggot n. (Now archaic, regional) A whimsy or fancy.
THUGGOTHUGGO n. (colloquial) a thug, ruffian.
TOGGEDtogged adj. Dressed; clothed.
TOG v. to clothe.
TOGGERtogger v. (Dialectal, Northern English) To play football.
TOGGER v. (colloquial) to play football.
TOGGLEtoggle n. (Nautical) A wooden or metal pin, short rod, crosspiece or similar, fixed transversely in the eye of…
toggle n. (In particular, fashion) A rod-shaped button bound with slack to the fabric.
toggle n. A toggle switch.
TOGROGtogrog n. Alternative spelling of tugrik.
tögrög n. Alternative spelling of tugrik.
TOGROG n. (Mongolian) a Mongolian monetary unit, also TUGHRIK, TUGRIK.
TROGGStroggs n. (Scotland, archaic) clothes.
TROGGS interj. (Scots) by my troth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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