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There are 19 eight-letter words containing G, 2L and V

GALLIVATgallivat n. (Nautical) A small armed vessel, with sails and oars, used on the Malabar coast.
GALLIVAT n. (Portuguese) a large two-masted Malay boat.
GAVELLEDgavelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of gavel.
GAVEL v. to signal for attention with a gavel (a small mallet).
GILLYVORGILLYVOR n. (Shakespeare) a gillyflower, a carnation, also GELLIFLOWRE, GILLIFLOWER, GILLYFLOWER.
GRAVELLYgravelly adj. Full of, covered with, or similar to gravel or pebbles.
gravelly adj. Of a voice: unpleasantly harsh or rasping.
gravelly adj. (Pathology) Caused by or involving gravel (“kidney stones”).
KVELLINGkvelling v. Present participle of kvell.
KVELL v. (Yiddish) to be happy.
LEVELINGleveling v. (US) present participle of level.
leveling n. The process of making something level.
leveling n. (Surveying, archaeology) The process of measuring levels to establish heights and altitudes.
LIVEBLOGliveblog n. Alternative spelling of live blog.
liveblog v. Alternative spelling of live blog.
live␣blog n. (Internet, neologism) A blog that gives up-to-date information about a progressing current event.
LIVELONGlivelong adj. Total, complete, whole.
livelong adj. (Obsolete) lasting; durable.
livelong n. The orpine, Sedum telephium.
LIVINGLYlivingly adv. In actual living experience; really, vitally.
livingly adv. Realistically; as if experienced in life or as if alive.
LONGEVALlongeval adj. (Rare) Long-lived; longevous.
LONGEVAL adj. long-lived, also LONGAEVAL.
LOVINGLYlovingly adv. In a loving manner, affectionately.
LOVING adv. affectionate.
OVERGALLOVERGALL v. to greatly blister.
VIALLINGvialling v. Present participle of vial.
VIAL v. to put in a small container for liquids.
VILLAGERvillager n. A person who lives in, or comes from, a village.
villager n. (Strategy games) A worker unit.
VILLAGER n. one who lives in a village.
VILLAGESvillages n. Plural of village.
VILLAGE n. a small community in a rural area.
VILLAGEYvillagey adj. (Informal) Villagelike.
VILLAGEY adj. pertaining to or characteristic of a village.
VILLAGIOvillagio n. Alternative form of viliaco.
VILLIAGOvilliago n. Alternative form of viliaco.
VILLIAGO n. (Shakespeare) a coward, also VILIACO, VILIAGO, VILLAGIO, VILLIACO.
VULGARLYvulgarly adv. In a vulgar manner; obscenely or unrefinedly.
vulgarly adv. In the manner of the common people.
VULGAR adv. common.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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