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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2G, N, R and U

ARGUINGarguing v. Present participle of argue.
arguing n. Argument.
ARGUE v. to discuss with reasoning.
GRUEINGGRUE v. to shudder, feel the flesh creep, also GREW.
GRUNGERgrunger n. (Britain) Someone who appreciates grunge culture.
GRUNGER n. a fan of a style of rock music and associated fashions.
GRUNGESGRUNGE n. dirt, grime.
GRUNGEYgrungey adj. Alternative form of grungy.
GRUNGEY adj. dirty, messy; unattractive, also GRUNGY.
GUNGIERgungier adj. Comparative form of gungy: more gungy.
GUNGY adj. sticky and messy.
GURGINGgurging v. Present participle of gurge.
GURGE v. to swirl.
GURLINGgurling v. Present participle of gurl.
GURL v. (Scots) to growl.
GURNINGgurning n. (Northern England) Alternative spelling of girning.
gurning v. Present participle of gurn.
GURN v. (dialect) to grin, make faces, also GERNE, GIRN.
NUGGARSnuggars n. Plural of nuggar.
NUGGAR n. (Arabic) a large boat used to carry cargo on the Nile.
PURGINGpurging v. Present participle of purge.
purging n. The act or an instance of eliminating contamination: a purification, a cleansing, particularly…
purging n. The removal of waste from the human body, particularly…
ROGUINGroguing v. Present participle of rogue.
ROGUE v. to cheat or defraud.
ROUGINGrouging v. Present participle of rouge.
ROUGE v. (French) to colour with a red cosmetic.
RUGGINGrugging n. A coarse woollen cloth used for making rugs, blankets etc.
rugging n. The manufacture of rugs.
RUGGING n. a coarse kind of woollen cloth, used for wrapping, blanketing, etc.
SNUGGERsnugger n. (Medicine) A threaded plastic tube used to clamp blood vessels during surgery.
snugger n. A ring that fits tightly around a cable, rope or wire, holding it in place or preventing leakage around…
snugger n. Moveable brackets for keeping small items secure on a shelf.
SURGINGsurging n. The action or an instance of a surge.
surging v. Present participle of surge.
SURGING n. the act of surging.
URGINGSurgings n. Plural of urging.
URGING n. the act of urging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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