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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing G, H, I, L and W

GLUHWEINgluhwein n. A type of mulled wine from German-speaking countries made from red wine with cinnamon and other herbs and spices.
GLUHWEIN n. (German) a hot sweetened spiced red wine.
HOWLINGShowlings n. Plural of howling.
HOWLING n. the act of howling.
LOWLIGHTlowlight n. A particularly unfavorable or mediocre moment or aspect.
lowlight n. (Cosmetics) In hairstyling, a highlight in a darker color rather than a lighter one.
lowlight v. (Transitive) To dye (part of the hair) a darker color than the rest.
SHAWLINGshawling v. Present participle of shawl.
shawling n. An act of wrapping in a shawl.
SHAWLING n. the wearing of a shawl.
SHOWGIRLshowgirl n. A non-starring but physically beautiful female dancer in an often lavishly produced theatrical revue; a chorine.
SHOWGIRL n. a chorus girl.
TWILIGHTtwilight n. The soft light in the sky seen before the rising and (especially) after the setting of the sun, occasioned…
twilight n. The time when this light is visible; the period between daylight and darkness.
twilight n. (Astronomy) The time when the sun is less than 18° below the horizon.
WELCHINGwelching v. Present participle of welch.
WELCH v. to fail to pay a debt, also WELSH.
WELSHINGwelshing v. Present participle of welsh.
WELSH v. to fail to pay a debt, also WELCH.
WHALINGSwhalings n. Plural of whaling.
WHALING n. the business of catching whales.
WHEELINGwheeling v. Present participle of wheel.
wheeling n. The motion of something that wheels.
wheeling n. The act of moving or conveying on wheels.
WHELMINGwhelming v. Present participle of whelm.
whelming n. Something that covers or submerges.
WHELM v. (archaic) to cover or engulf completely with usually disastrous effect.
WHELPINGwhelping v. Present participle of whelp.
WHELP v. to give birth.
WHIRLINGwhirling v. Present participle of whirl.
whirling n. The action of the verb to whirl.
whirling adj. That whirls or whirl.
WHITLINGwhitling n. (UK, dialect) A young full trout during its second season.
WHITLING n. a young bull trout.
WHORLINGwhorling v. Present participle of whorl.
WHORL v. to move in a twisted or convoluted fashion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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