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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing G, 2I, P and U

GUIMPINGGUIMP v. to trim with yarn, also GIMP, GYMP.
IMPUTINGimputing v. Present participle of impute.
IMPUTE v. to reckon or take into account.
PINGUINSpinguins n. Plural of pinguin.
PINGUIN n. a flightless aquatic bird, also PENGUIN.
PUGILISMpugilism n. Fighting with fists.
PUGILISM n. the art of fighting with the fists.
PUGILISTpugilist n. One who fights with their fists; especially a professional prize fighter; a boxer.
PUGILIST n. one who fights with his fists.
PUMICINGpumicing v. Present participle of pumice.
PUMICE v. to polish with a porous volcanic rock.
PUNJIINGPUNJI v. to fortify with punji stakes.
PYGIDIUMpygidium n. (Zoology) The caudal plate of trilobites, crustacea, and certain insects.
PYGIDIUM n. in trilobites, the posterior division of the body, formed by fusion of the telson with one or more posterior pleurae.
QUIPPINGquipping v. Present participle of quip.
QUIP v. to make witty remarks.
SIRUPINGsiruping v. Present participle of sirup.
SIRUP v. to make into a syrup.
TITUPINGTITUP v. to prance.
UMPIRINGumpiring v. Present participle of umpire.
UMPIRE v. to rule on the plays in a game.
UNPILINGunpiling v. Present participle of unpile.
UNPILE v. to disentangle from a pile.
UPDIVINGupdiving v. Present participle of updive.
UPDIVE v. to spring upward.
UPPILINGuppiling v. Present participle of uppile.
UPPILE v. to pile up.
UPRISINGuprising n. A popular revolt that attempts to overthrow a government or its policies; an insurgency or insurrection.
uprising v. Present participle of uprise.
UPRISING n. a revolt, an UPREST, UPRIST.
UPSIZINGupsizing v. Present participle of upsize.
UPSIZE v. to increase in size.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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