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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing G, 2L, M and S

GALLIUMSGALLIUM n. a rare metallic element, found in certain zinc ores.
GUMBALLSgumballs n. Plural of gumball.
GUMBALL n. a small ball of chewing gum.
LEGALISMlegalism n. Focusing on the text of written law to the exclusion of the intent of law, elevating strict adherence…
legalism n. (Religion) A belief that salvation is attained or maintained by adherence to the requirements of moral…
legalism n. A legal axiom, term or rule.
MEGILLASmegillas n. Plural of megilla.
MEGILLA n. (Hebrew) a scroll containing a book of the Old Testament, also MEGILLAH.
MILLAGESmillages n. Plural of millage.
Millages prop.n. Plural of Millage.
MILLAGE n. a type of monetary rate.
MILLINGSmillings n. Plural of milling.
Millings prop.n. Plural of Milling.
MILLING n. a corrugated edge on a coin.
SMALLAGEsmallage n. Celery in its wild uncultivated form.
SMALLAGE n. a wild celery.
SMALLINGsmalling v. Present participle of small.
Smalling prop.n. A surname.
SMALL v. to make or become small.
SMELLINGsmelling v. Present participle of smell.
smelling v. Used in adjectival compounds.
smelling n. The act by which something is smelled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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