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There are 18 eight-letter words containing G, N, R and 2U

AUGURINGauguring v. Present participle of augur.
AUGUR v. to foretell from signs.
BURGUNDYburgundy n. Alternative letter-case form of Burgundy (red wine).
burgundy n. (Color) A dark red colour tinged with purple, like that of Burgundy (red) wine.
burgundy adj. Of a deep purple red color like that of Burgundy wine.
LONGUEURlongueur n. (Authorship) A lengthy passage in a dramatic or literary work, especially a dull or tedious one; a period of boredom.
LONGUEUR n. (French) a long and tedious section of a book, play, etc.
NGULTRUMngultrum n. The official currency of Bhutan, equal to 100 chetrums.
NGULTRUM n. a monetary unit of Bhutan.
PURSUINGpursuing v. Present participle of pursue.
pursuing n. Pursuit.
PURSUING adj. following.
SUPERGUNsupergun n. A very large cannon with an extremely high muzzle velocity and large bore.
SUPERGUN n. a very large gun.
SUTURINGsuturing v. Present participle of suture.
SUTURE v. to unite by sewing.
UNARGUEDunargued adj. Not argued; undebated.
unargued adj. Not proposed as an argument.
UNARGUED adj. not argued.
UNGROUNDunground adj. Not having been ground; unpulverized.
unground v. (Transitive, electricity, electronics) To remove a connection to ground potential.
unground v. (Transitive) To free from the punishment of being grounded (restricted to home).
UNGROUPSungroups v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ungroup.
UNGROUP v. to separate from a group.
UNGUARDSunguards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unguard.
UNGUARD v. to leave unprotected.
UNPURGEDunpurged adj. Not purged.
UNPURGED adj. not purged.
UNROUGEDunrouged adj. Not rouged.
UNROUGED adj. not rouged.
UNSPRUNGunsprung adj. Not sprung.
unsprung adj. Not fitted with springs; lacking springs.
unsprung v. Simple past tense and past participle of unspring.
UNSTRUNGunstrung adj. Not strung.
unstrung adj. (Informal) Emotionally upset; not able to keep it together.
unstrung v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstring.
UNVULGARunvulgar adj. Not vulgar.
UNVULGAR adj. not vulgar.
UPSPRUNGupsprung v. Simple past tense and past participle of upspring.
UPSPRING v. to spring up.
USURPINGusurping v. Present participle of usurp.
usurping n. Usurpation.
USURPING adj. taking possession unjustly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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