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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing G, I, 2R, T and V

ARROGATIVEarrogative adj. Making undue claims and pretensions; prone to arrogance.
ARROGATIVE adj. relating to arrogation, the act of arrogating.
GRAVIMETERgravimeter n. (Physics) An instrument used to measure local variations in the gravitational field.
gravimeter n. (Physics) A hydrometer.
GRAVIMETER n. an instrument for measuring variations in gravitational fields.
GRAVIMETRYgravimetry n. The measurement of gravity (the strength of the gravitational field).
gravimetry n. The measurement of specific gravity; hydrometry.
GRAVIMETRY n. the measurement of variations in gravity.
GRAVITATERGRAVITATER n. one who gravitates.
IRRIGATIVEirrigative adj. Relating to irrigation.
IRRIGATIVE adj. relating to irrigation.
OVERBRIGHToverbright adj. Too bright.
OVERBRIGHT adj. excessively bright.
OVERRATINGoverrating v. Present participle of overrate.
OVERRATE v. to rate too highly.
OVERTIRINGovertiring v. Present participle of overtire.
OVERTIRE v. to tire excessively.
OVERTURINGoverturing v. Present participle of overture.
OVERTURE v. to put forward as an overture.
PERVERTINGperverting v. Present participle of pervert.
PERVERT v. to turn away from the right course of action.
RESTRIVINGrestriving v. Present participle of restrive.
RESTRIVE v. to strive again.
RETRIEVINGretrieving v. Present participle of retrieve.
retrieving n. An act of retrieval.
RETRIEVING n. the act of retrieving.
STRAVAIGERstravaiger n. One who stravaigs; one who takes a stroll.
STRAVAIGER n. (Scots) a wanderer, idler.
TRAVERSINGtraversing v. Present participle of traverse.
traversing n. A traversal.
TRAVERSING n. the act of traversing.
VARIEGATORvariegator n. One who or that which variegates.
variegator n. A machine that swirls several ice cream flavors into a single ice cream.
VARIEGATOR n. something or someone that variegates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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