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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 8 twelve-letter words containing G, M, O, 2P and S

PHRAGMOPLASTphragmoplast n. (Biology) A structure that forms in plant cells during late cytokinesis and serves as a scaffold for…
PHRAGMOPLAST n. the enlarged barrel-shaped spindle that is characteristic of the later stages of plant mitosis and within which the cell plate forms.
PNEUMOGRAPHSpneumographs n. Plural of pneumograph.
PNEUMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring and recording respiration.
POMPHOLYGOUSPOMPHOLYGOUS adj. of or like a pompholyx, a vesicular eruption or eczema chiefly on the palms and soles.
PRECOMPOSINGprecomposing v. Present participle of precompose.
PRECOMPOSE v. to compose beforehand.
PROPAGANDISMpropagandism n. The use of propaganda.
PROPAGANDISM n. the practice of propagating tenets or principles.
SPHYGMOGRAPHsphygmograph n. A mechanical device used to measure blood pressure and pulse.
SPHYGMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording the pulse.
SPHYGMOPHONEsphygmophone n. (Physiology) An electrical instrument for determining by ear the rhythm of the pulse of a person at a distance.
SPHYGMOPHONE n. an instrument for hearing the pulse.
SPHYGMOSCOPEsphygmoscope n. A sphygmograph.
SPHYGMOSCOPE n. an instrument for making arterial pulsations visible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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