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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing G, I, L, N, R and U

BURLINGburling v. Present participle of burl.
Burling prop.n. A surname.
BURL v. to finish cloth by removing knots.
CURLINGcurling n. The action or motion of something that curls or is curled.
curling n. (Uncountable) A winter sport where players aim and slide stones down a sheet of ice and attempt to get…
curling v. Present participle of curl.
FURLINGfurling v. Present participle of furl.
furling n. The act by which something is furled.
FURL v. to roll up.
GURLINGgurling v. Present participle of gurl.
GURL v. (Scots) to growl.
HURLINGhurling n. The act by which something is hurled or thrown.
hurling n. An Irish game of ancient Celtic origin. It is played with an ash stick called a hurley (camán in Irish)…
hurling n. A Cornish street game resembling rugby, played with a silver ball.
LOURINGlouring v. Present participle of lour.
louring n. The act of one who, or that which, lours.
LOURING adj. sullen, threatening.
LURINGSlurings n. Plural of luring.
LURING n. as in tape luring, the enticement and subsequent capture of a seabird by playing tape recordings of its call from beaches and cliffs.
LURKINGlurking v. Present participle of lurk.
lurking n. The act of one who lurks.
LURKING adj. lying in wait.
MURLINGMURL v. (Scots) to crumble.
NURLINGnurling v. Present participle of nurl.
NURL v. to make nurls on, also KNURL.
PURLINGpurling v. Present participle of purl.
purling adj. That purls; rippling, eddying.
purling n. The motion of a small stream among obstructions; flowing with a murmuring sound.
RULINGSrulings n. Plural of ruling.
RULING n. an authoritative decision.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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