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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing G, I, M, N and 2O

BOOMINGbooming adj. Experiencing a period of prosperity, or rapid economic growth.
booming adj. Loud and resonant.
booming v. Present participle of boom.
COOMINGcooming v. Present participle of coom.
COOM v. to begrime with coaldust.
DOOMINGdooming v. Present participle of doom.
dooming n. The act by which something is doomed or fated; a condemnation.
DOOM v. to condemn to catastrophe.
LOOMINGlooming n. Gerund of loom: the condition of something that looms or towers.
looming v. Present participle of loom.
LOOM v. to appear indistinctly as in a mirage.
MOOLINGMOOL v. (Scots) to cover with soil.
MOONINGmooning n. The act of showing one’s buttocks.
mooning v. Present participle of moon.
MOON v. to wander about listlessly.
MOOPINGMOOP v. (Scots) to nibble, munch, also MOUP.
MOORINGmooring v. Present participle of moor.
mooring n. A place to moor a vessel.
mooring n. The act of securing a vessel with a cable or anchor etc.
MOOTINGmooting n. The activity of taking part in a moot court.
mooting v. Present participle of moot.
MOOTING n. a meeting, the holding of a moot.
MOOVINGmooving v. Present participle of moove.
MOOVE v. (obsolete) to move, also AMOOVE, AMOVE, MEVE, MIEVE.
ROOMINGrooming v. Present participle of room.
ROOM v. to occupy a room.
SOOMINGSOOM v. (Scots) to swim.
TOOMINGtooming v. Present participle of toom.
TOOM v. to empty.
ZOOMINGzooming v. Present participle of zoom.
zooming n. A sound or motion that zooms.
Zooming v. Present participle of Zoom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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