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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing G, I, N, O, T and V

COGNOVITcognovit n. (Law) An instrument in writing whereby a defendant in an action acknowledges a plaintiff’s demand to be just.
COGNOVIT n. (Latin) in law, an acknowledgement by a defendant that the plaintiff's cause is just.
COVETINGcoveting v. Present participle of covet.
coveting n. The act of one who covets.
COVET v. to desire greatly.
DEVOTINGdevoting v. Present participle of devote.
DEVOTE v. to give oneself wholly to.
GRAVITONgraviton n. (Physics) A hypothetical gauge boson that regulates the gravitational force. It would have a spin of…
GRAVITON n. a hypothetical particle carrying the gravitational force.
MOTIVINGmotiving v. Present participle of motive.
MOTIVE v. to inspire to action, also MOTIVATE.
NOVATINGnovating v. Present participle of novate.
NOVATE v. to substitute a new obligation for an existing one.
OUTGIVENoutgiven v. Past participle of outgive.
OUTGIVE v. to give more than.
OUTVYINGoutvying v. Present participle of outvie.
OUTVIE v. to surpass in competition.
PIVOTINGpivoting v. Present participle of pivot.
pivoting n. A motion by which something pivots.
pivoting n. The pivot-work in a machine.
REVOTINGrevoting v. Present participle of revote.
REVOTE v. to vote again.
STOVINGSSTOVING n. the act of drying paint with heat quickly.
UPVOTINGupvoting v. Present participle of upvote.
UPVOTE v. to register approval of (a post) on social media.
VOMITINGvomiting v. Present participle of vomit.
vomiting n. The act of one who vomits, or the matter that is vomited.
VOMITING n. the act of vomiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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