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There are 19 words containing G, K, M, P, R and S

PUGMARKSpugmarks n. Plural of pugmark.
PUGMARK n. the track of a big cat e.g. a tiger.
KRUMPINGSKRUMPING n. a type of dancing in which participants, often wearing face paint, dance with one another in a fast and aggressive style mimicking a fight but without any physical contact.
SKRIMPINGskrimping v. Present participle of skrimp.
SKRIMP v. to scratch and save, also SCRIMP.
SKRUMPINGSKRUMP v. (colloquial) to steal fruit (esp. apples) from trees, also SCRUMP.
KYMOGRAPHSkymographs n. Plural of kymograph.
KYMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording fluid pressure.
GAMEKEEPERSgamekeepers n. Plural of gamekeeper.
GAMEKEEPER n. a person in charge of the breeding and protection of game animals or birds on a private preserve.
POSTMARKINGpostmarking v. Present participle of postmark.
POSTMARK v. to stamp mail with an official mark.
KYMOGRAPHIESkymographies n. Plural of kymography.
KYMOGRAPHY n. using a kymograph, an instrument for recording fluid pressure.
MARLINGSPIKEmarlingspike n. Alternative spelling of marlinspike.
marling␣spike n. Alternative spelling of marlinspike.
MARLINGSPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINESPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
PAPERMAKINGSpapermakings n. Plural of papermaking.
PAPERMAKING n. the business of making paper.
PHRASEMAKINGphrasemaking n. The crafting of phrases; the art of rhetoric.
PHRASEMAKING n. the act of making phrases.
PRINTMAKINGSPRINTMAKING n. the act of making prints.
SUPERKINGDOMsuperkingdom n. (Taxonomy) domain.
SUPERKINGDOM n. a taxonomical classification comprising several kingdoms.
KARYOMAPPINGSKARYOMAPPING n. a technique for determining whether an embryo has inherited a genetic defect by analysing DNA taken from it and its close relatives.
MARLINGSPIKESmarlingspikes n. Plural of marlingspike.
marling␣spikes n. Plural of marling spike.
MARLINGSPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINESPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
MUCKSPREADINGMUCKSPREAD v. to spread manure on fields.
PHRASEMAKINGSphrasemakings n. Plural of phrasemaking.
PHRASEMAKING n. the act of making phrases.
SUPERKINGDOMSsuperkingdoms n. Plural of superkingdom.
SUPERKINGDOM n. a taxonomical classification comprising several kingdoms.
KINEMATOGRAPHSkinematographs n. Plural of kinematograph.
KINEMATOGRAPH n. an apparatus for filming, printing and projecting a series of instantaneous photographs so as to give a moving representation of a scene, also CINEMATOGRAPH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 187 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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