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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing G, L, M, N, O, P and R

EMPOLDERINGempoldering v. Present participle of empolder.
EMPOLDER v. to reclaim low-lying land, also IMPOLDER.
IMPLORINGLYimploringly adv. Beseechingly; in a manner that beseeches or implores.
IMPLORING adv. IMPLORE, to beg for urgently.
IMPOLDERINGimpoldering v. Present participle of impolder.
IMPOLDER v. (Dutch) to reclaim low-lying land, also EMPOLDER.
IMPROVINGLYimprovingly adv. In a manner that tends to improve (especially, (dated), to educate or morally better a person).
IMPROVING adv. IMPROVE, to make better.
LONGPRIMERSLONGPRIMER n. in printing, a size of type intermediate between small pica and bourgeois.
PELARGONIUMpelargonium n. Any of various flowering plants of the genus Pelargonium, commonly called geraniums.
Pelargonium n. An extract of the rose geranium, Pelargonium sidoides, used as an alternative medicine.
Pelargonium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Geraniaceae – the geraniums.
PELTMONGERSpeltmongers n. Plural of peltmonger.
PELTMONGER n. a dealer in skins.
PLATFORMINGplatforming n. (Video games) The video game activity of jumping from one platform to another.
platforming n. (Rail transport) The platforms at a railway station.
platforming v. Present participle of platform.
PREMOULDINGpremoulding v. Present participle of premould.
PREMOULD v. to mould in advance, also PREMOLD.
PRIMOGENIALprimogenial adj. First born, made, or generated; original; primary; elemental.
PRIMOGENIAL adj. first to be formed; original.
PROCLAIMINGproclaiming v. Present participle of proclaim.
proclaiming n. Proclamation.
PROCLAIM v. to make known.
PROLEGOMENAprolegomena n. Plural of prolegomenon.
PROLEGOMENON n. prefatory remarks; specifically, a formal essay or critical discussion serving to introduce and interpret an extended work.
PROLONGMENTprolongment n. The act of prolonging, or the state of being prolonged; prolongation.
PROLONGMENT n. the act of prolonging.
PROMISINGLYpromisingly adv. In a promising manner.
PROMISING adv. PROMISE, to make a declaration of assurance.
RECOMPILINGrecompiling v. Present participle of recompile.
RECOMPILE v. to compile again.
REEMPLOYINGreemploying v. Present participle of reemploy.
reëmploying v. Present participle of reëmploy.
re-employing v. Present participle of re-employ.
SLIPFORMINGslipforming v. Present participle of slipform.
slipforming n. The use of the slipform technique in working with concrete.
SLIPFORM v. to construct with the use of a mould.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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