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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing G, H, I, 2R and 2S

CARDSHARPINGSCARDSHARPING n. cheating by a professional cardsharp.
CEROGRAPHISTScerographists n. Plural of cerographist.
CEROGRAPHIST n. a practitioner of cerography.
DISCOGRAPHERSdiscographers n. Plural of discographer.
DISCOGRAPHER n. a person who compiles discographies.
GOVERNORSHIPSgovernorships n. Plural of governorship.
GOVERNORSHIP n. the office of governor.
HAIRDRESSINGShairdressings n. Plural of hairdressing.
HAIRDRESSING n. the act of washing, cutting, curling, or arranging the hair.
PARAGRAPHISTSparagraphists n. Plural of paragraphist.
PARAGRAPHIST n. a person who writes paragraphs, news items esp. for newspapers.
REFURBISHINGSrefurbishings n. Plural of refurbishing.
REFURBISHING n. the act of refurbishing.
REGISTRARSHIPregistrarship n. The office or position of a registrar.
REGISTRARSHIP n. the office of registrar.
SEISMOGRAPHERseismographer n. A person who measures and records earthquakes and other ground vibrations.
seismographer n. A person who studies such records, a seismologist.
SEISMOGRAPHER n. one who uses a seismograph.
SPIROGRAPHIESSPIROGRAPHY n. the recording of breathing movements.
STRAIGHTBREDSstraightbreds n. Plural of straightbred.
STRAIGHTBRED n. an animal produced by breeding a single breed, strain, or type.
STRAIGHTENERSstraighteners n. Plural of straightener.
STRAIGHTENER n. something that straightens.
SUPERGRAPHICSsupergraphics n. Large graphics that are applied with vibrant colors, usually in geometric shapes, over walls or floors…
SUPERGRAPHICS n. billboard-sized graphic shapes usually of bright color and simple design.
SURROGATESHIPsurrogateship n. The position or office of a surrogate.
SURROGATESHIP n. the office of surrogate.
TRIGGERFISHEStriggerfishes n. Plural of triggerfish.
TRIGGERFISH n. a kind of fish, with a large spine on the dorsal fin which can be locked upright by a second smaller spine.
WRANGLERSHIPSwranglerships n. Plural of wranglership.
WRANGLERSHIP n. the office of wrangler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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