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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing G, I, N, O, R and 2S

ASSIGNORassignor n. (Law) The person or party which makes an assignment.
ASSIGNOR n. a person who transfers a right or asset under an assignment, also ASSIGNER.
CROSSINGcrossing n. An intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross.
crossing n. A place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed.
crossing n. The act by which terrain or a road etc. is crossed.
GORINESSgoriness n. The state of being gory.
GORINESS n. the state of being gory.
GRISSINOgrissino n. A narrow breadstick in Italian cuisine.
GRISSINO n. (Italian) a long, cylindrical Italian breadstick.
GROSSINGgrossing v. Present participle of gross.
GROSS v. to earn exclusive of deductions.
HORSINGShorsings n. Plural of horsing.
HORSING n. the birching of a person mounted on another's back.
PROSINGSprosings n. Plural of prosing.
PROSING n. writing in a prosy way.
RINGTOSSringtoss n. Alternative form of ring toss.
ring␣toss n. A game in which rings are thrown onto pegs or posts.
RINGTOSS n. a game in which the object is to toss a ring so that it will catch upon an upright stick.
SCORINGSscorings n. Plural of scoring.
SCORING n. orchestration.
SCORSINGscorsing v. Present participle of scorse.
SCORSE v. (obsolete) to exchange, also SCOURSE.
SHORINGSshorings n. Plural of shoring.
SHORING n. a system of supporting timbers.
SIGNIORSsigniors n. Plural of signior.
SIGNIOR n. (Italian) an Italian title of courtesy for a man, also SIGNOR, SIGNORE.
SIGNORASsignoras n. Plural of signora.
SIGNORA n. (Italian) an Italian title of courtesy for a married woman.
SIGNORESSIGNORE n. (Italian) an Italian title of courtesy for a man, also SIGNOR, SIGNIOR.
SNORINGSsnorings n. Plural of snoring.
SNORING n. the act of snoring.
SOARINGSsoarings n. Plural of soaring.
SOARING n. the act of soaring.
SORNINGSSORNING n. the act of obtruding oneself as an uninvited guest.
SORTINGSsortings n. Plural of sorting.
SORTING n. the act of sorting.
SOURINGSsourings n. Plural of souring.
SOURING n. a crabapple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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