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There are 15 words containing G, H, 2L, 2N and R

DISENTHRALLINGdisenthralling v. Present participle of disenthral.
DISENTHRALL v. to release from a state of enthralment, also DISENTHRAL, DISINTHRAL.
DISINTHRALLINGdisinthralling v. Present participle of disinthral.
DISINTHRALLING n. the act of releasing from a state of enthralment.
DISINTHRALLINGSDISINTHRALLING n. the act of releasing from a state of enthralment.
ENTHRALLINGenthralling adj. Exciting and absorbing.
enthralling v. Present participle of enthrall.
ENTHRAL v. to reduce to the condition of a thrall, also ENTHRALL, INTHRAL, INTHRALL.
FLANNELGRAPHflannelgraph n. A board covered with flannel fabric used as a backdrop when telling stories to children, the characters…
FLANNELGRAPH n. a display board covered with flannel or felt, on which letters, pictures, etc. backed with material will stick when pressed against it.
FLANNELGRAPHSflannelgraphs n. Plural of flannelgraph.
FLANNELGRAPH n. a display board covered with flannel or felt, on which letters, pictures, etc. backed with material will stick when pressed against it.
INTERPHALANGEALinterphalangeal adj. Between phalanges, as with an interphalangeal joint.
interphalangeal n. Any such bone.
INTERPHALANGEAL adj. between the phalanges, the bones of a digit.
INTHRALLINGinthralling v. Present participle of inthral.
inthralling v. Present participle of inthrall.
RECHALLENGINGrechallenging v. Present participle of rechallenge.
RECHALLENGE v. to challenge again.
RECHANNELLINGrechannelling v. Present participle of rechannel.
rechannelling n. The process by which something is rechannelled, or sent in a new direction.
RECHANNEL v. to channel again.
SCHNORKELLINGschnorkelling v. Present participle of schnorkel.
SCHNORKEL v. (German) to swim underwater using a breathing-tube, also SNORKEL.
THRILLINGNESSthrillingness n. The quality of being thrilling.
THRILLINGNESS n. the state of being thrilling.
THRILLINGNESSESTHRILLINGNESS n. the state of being thrilling.
UNCHARNELLINGuncharnelling v. Present participle of uncharnel.
UNCHARNEL v. to remove from a charnel house; to raise from the grave.
UNCHRONOLOGICALunchronological adj. Not chronological.
UNCHRONOLOGICAL adj. not chronological.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 323 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 23 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 16 words

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