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There are 20 five-letter words containing H, I and 2S

HISSYhissy adj. Accompanied with hisses.
hissy adj. Making a hissing sound.
hissy adj. Childish or petulant.
HISTShists n. Plural of hist.
HIST v. to urge or summon with such an interjection.
ISHESishes n. Plural of ish.
ISH n. in Scots law, issue or expiry.
SHIESshies n. Plural of shy.
shies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shy.
SHY v. to jump aside, recoil.
SHIMSshims n. Plural of shim.
shims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shim.
Shims prop.n. Plural of Shim.
SHINSshins n. Plural of shin.
shins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shin.
SHIN v. to climb by gripping with the hands and legs, also SHINNY.
SHIPSships n. Plural of ship.
ships v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ship.
SHIP v. to transport in a seagoing vessel.
SHIRSshirs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shir.
shirs n. Plural of shir.
SHIR v. to pucker, also SHIRR.
SHISHshish adj. (Cooking) On a skewer.
shish n. (Chemistry) The spine of a shish kebab structure.
SHISH adj. (Turkish) as in shish kebab, a dish of meat and vegetables threaded on to skewers and grilled.
SHISOshiso n. Any of several varieties of the herb Perilla frutescens, related to basil and mint, used in Japanese cooking.
SHISO n. (Japanese) an Asian plant with aromatic leaves that are used in cooking.
SHISTshist n. Alternative form of schist.
SHIST n. a type of metamorphic rock, also SCHIST.
SHITSshits n. Plural of shit.
shits n. (Colloquial, vulgar) Synonym of diarrhea.
shits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shit.
SHIVSshivs n. Plural of shiv.
shivs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shiv.
SHIV v. to cut with a kind fo knife, also CHIV, CHIVE.
SHRISSHRI n. (Sanskrit) in India, a title of great respect given to a man, also SRI.
SIGHSsighs n. Plural of sigh.
sighs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sigh.
SIGH v. to emit a deep, audible breath.
SINHSsinhs n. Plural of sinh.
SINH n. a hyperbolic function of an angle.
SLISHslish v. (Dated, Britain) To cut, slit or slash.
SLISH n. (Shakespeare) a cut.
SUSHIsushi n. A Japanese dish made of small portions of sticky white rice flavored with vinegar, usually wrapped in…
sushi n. (Proscribed) Raw fish, especially as a Japanese dish.
Sushi n. (Informal) A person who typifies a mixture of Shiism and Sunnism.
SWISHswish adj. (Britain, colloquial) sophisticated; fashionable; smooth.
swish adj. Attractive, stylish.
swish adj. Effeminate.
WHISSWHISS v. to hiss or whistle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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