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There are 14 six-letter words containing H, K, O and R

CHIKORchikor n. Alternative form of chukar.
CHIKOR n. (Hindi) an Indian partridge, also CHIKHOR, CHUKAR, CHUKOR.
CHOKERchoker n. A piece of jewelry or ornamental fabric, worn as a necklace or neckerchief, tight to the throat.
choker n. One who, or that which, chokes or strangles.
choker n. One who operates the choke of an engine during ignition.
CHOKRAchokra n. (India) Boy; young male servant.
CHOKRA n. (Hindi) a boy; a household or regimental servant.
CHOKRIchokri n. (India) A young maidservant.
CHOKRI n. (Hindi) a girl; a female household or regimental servant.
CHUKORchukor n. Alternative form of chukar.
CHUKOR n. (Hindi) an Indian partridge, also CHIKHOR, CHIKOR, CHUKAR.
HOCKERhocker n. (Slang) A wad of phlegm spat out by hocking.
HOCKER n. one who hocks, pawns.
HOKIERhokier adj. Comparative form of hokey: more hokey.
HOKEY adj. overdone, contrived, bogus.
HONKERhonker n. One who honks.
honker n. (Informal) A large nose.
honker n. (Informal) A wild goose.
HOOKERhooker n. One who, or that which, hooks.
hooker n. A small fishing boat.
hooker n. (Nautical, slang, derogatory) Any antiquated craft.
HORKEDhorked v. Simple past tense and past participle of hork.
HORK v. to spit.
HORKEYHORKEY n. harvest-home, the harvest supper, also HAWKEY.
HOWKERhowker n. (Nautical) A type of two-masted Dutch sailing vessel, weighing between 60 and 200 tons burthen.
howker n. (Nautical, slang).
HOWKER n. a two-masted Dutch or Irish fishing-vessel.
KOSHERkosher adj. (Judaism) Fit for use or consumption, in accordance with Jewish law (especially relating to food).
kosher adj. (Figuratively, by extension) In accordance with standards or usual practice.
kosher adv. In a kosher manner; in accordance with kashrut.
RHEBOKrhebok n. A medium-sized, deerlike South African antelope, Pelea capreolus, having pale-gray, curly fur and straight horns.
RHEBOK n. (South African) a kind of antelope, also REEBOK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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