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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing H, K, M and T

HATMAKERhatmaker n. Someone who makes hats.
Hatmaker prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
HATMAKER n. one that makes hats.
HAWKMOTHhawkmoth n. (Entomology) Any of several moths, of the family Sphingidae, that hover over flowers when sucking nectar…
hawk␣moth n. Any moth of the family Sphingidae.
HAWKMOTH n. a kind of large moth.
HITMAKERhitmaker n. (Music) A musician who frequently produces hits; a star.
HITMAKER n. a musician who produces bestselling records.
KATHUMPSKATHUMP n. a loud thudding sound.
MEATHOOKmeathook n. Alternative spelling of meat hook.
meat␣hook n. A two-sided hook normally used in butcheries to hang up meat or the carcasses of animals such as pigs.
meat␣hook n. (Slang, usu. plural) One’s hands or arms.
METHINKSmethinks cont. (Archaic or humorous) It seems to me.
METHINKS v. (archaic) I think, also METHINK, METHINKETH.
MISTHINKmisthink v. (Transitive, intransitive, obsolete) To think wrongly or badly (of).
misthink v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To have sinful thoughts.
MISTHINK v. to think wrongly.
MOTHLIKEmothlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a moth.
MOTHLIKE adj. like a moth.
MUKHTARSmukhtars n. Plural of mukhtar.
Mukhtars prop.n. Plural of Mukhtar.
MUKHTAR n. (Arabic) an Indian lawyer; a Turkish local government official, also MOOKTAR.
MUTCHKINmutchkin n. (Scotland) A unit of fluid capacity approximately equal to three-quarters of an imperial pint (0.43 litres).
MUTCHKIN n. (historical) an old unit of liquid measurement equal to 3/4 of an imperial pint.
THUMBKINthumbkin n. An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew.
THUMBKIN n. (Scots) an instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew, also THUMBIKINS.
TOMAHAWKtomahawk n. An ax used by Native American warriors.
tomahawk n. (Basketball) A dunk performed with one’s arm behind one’s head.
tomahawk n. (Geometry) A geometric construction consisting of a semicircle and two line segments that serves as…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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