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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing H, 2L, R and W

ALLWEATHERall-weather adj. Not affected by climatic conditions; capable of normal operation regardless of precipitation, wind, sun, etc.
all-weather adj. (Figuratively) Always there when needed, reliable, dependable, loyal, faithful.
ALLWEATHER n. a track or pitch suitable for use in all weathers.
BELLWETHERbellwether n. The leading sheep of a flock, having a bell hung round its neck.
bellwether n. (Figuratively) Anything that indicates future trends.
bell-wether n. Alternative spelling of bellwether.
DOWNHILLERdownhiller n. Someone who is traveling downhill. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
downhiller n. (Skiing) A skier who participates in the downhill.
downhiller n. (Cycling) A cyclist who takes part in downhill races.
HILLWALKERhillwalker n. A person who takes part in hillwalking.
HILLWALKER n. one who likes walking in the hills.
HOLLOWAREShollowares n. Plural of holloware.
HOLLOWARE n. hollow articles of china, iron etc. e.g. pots and kettles.
HOLLOWWAREhollowware n. Items such as sugar bowls, creamers, coffee pots, teapots, soup tureens, etc. (but not flatware) intended…
hollowware n. Hollow articles of ironware, such as pots and kettles.
HOLLOWWARE n. hollow articles of china, iron etc. e.g. pots and kettles.
MILLWRIGHTmillwright n. A person who designed, erected and built mills and milling machinery.
millwright n. A person engaged in the erection of machinery.
MILLWRIGHT n. a person whose occupation is planning and building mills or setting up their machinery.
SHELLWORKSshellworks n. Plural of shellwork.
SHELLWORK n. work composed of shells, or adorned with them.
UPHILLWARDuphillward adj. (Obsolete) Heading uphill.
uphillward adv. (Obsolete) Heading uphill.
UPHILLWARD adv. (Milton) in an uphill direction.
WALLCHARTSwallcharts n. Plural of wallchart.
wall␣charts n. Plural of wall chart.
WALLCHART n. a chart of information, statistics, etc., displayed on a wall.
WHIRLBLASTwhirlblast n. (Archaic, poetic) A whirlwind.
WHIRLBLAST n. a whirling blast of wind.
WHIRLINGLYwhirlingly adv. With a whirling motion.
WHIRLING adv. turning rapidly.
WHIRLPOOLSwhirlpools n. Plural of whirlpool.
WHIRLPOOL n. a circular current in a river or sea, produced by opposing tides, winds or currents.
WHOLESALERwholesaler n. A person or company that buys merchandise from manufacturers, importers, or distributors and resells…
WHOLESALER n. someone who sells by wholesale.
WILLOWHERBwillowherb n. Any of several flowering plants in the genus Epilobium of the family Onagraceae.
WILLOWHERB n. a perennial herb of the evening primrose family with willowlike leaves and seeds.
WRATHFULLYwrathfully adv. In a wrathful manner; with anger; angrily.
WRATHFUL adv. extremely angry, also WROTHFUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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