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There are 15 seven-letter words containing H, M, N, S and U

BUSHMANbushman n. (Australia) A man who lives in or has extensive experience of the Australian bush or outback.
Bushman n. A person who lives in the bush, especially a member of a community or ethnic group who lives in the bush.
Bushman n. (Now sometimes offensive) A member of one of the foraging ethnic groups native to southwestern Africa…
BUSHMENbushmen n. Plural of bushman.
Bushmen n. Plural of Bushman.
BUSHMAN n. (Australian) a settler or traveller in the bush.
HUMINTShumints n. Plural of humint.
HUMINT n. human intelligence.
HUMPENSHUMPEN n. (German) a type of enamelled or painted glass drinking vessel made in Germany.
HYPNUMShypnums n. Plural of hypnum.
HYPNUM n. (Greek) a type of moss.
INHUMESinhumes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inhume.
INHUME v. to bury, also INHUMATE.
KHANUMSkhanums n. Plural of khanum.
KHANUM n. (Turkish) a lady's title of rank in the Middle East.
MUDHENSmudhens n. Plural of mudhen.
MUDHEN n. a water bird living in muddy places.
MUNCHESmunches n. Plural of munch.
munches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of munch.
Munches prop.n. Plural of Munch.
MUNSHISmunshis n. Plural of munshi.
Munshis prop.n. Plural of Munshi.
MUNSHI n. (Hindi) a secretary, an interpreter, also MOONSHEE.
MUSHINGmushing v. Present participle of mush.
mushing n. Action of the verb to mush (travel with a dog sled).
mushing n. A race with a dog team.
NUMDAHSnumdahs n. Plural of numdah.
NUMDAH n. (Urdu) an embroidered felt rug made in India.
NUMNAHSnumnahs n. Plural of numnah.
NUMNAH n. (Urdu) a pad under the saddle to prevent chafing.
RHAMNUSrhamnus n. (Botany) Any of the plants in the genus Rhamnus; a buckthorn.
Rhamnus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rhamnaceae – the buckthorns.
RHAMNUS n. (Greek) a thorny tree or shrub.
UNHELMSunhelms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unhelm.
UNHELM v. to remove the helmet of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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