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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing H, I, O, R and Z

APHORIZEaphorize v. Alternative spelling of aphorise.
APHORIZE v. to make a concise statement, also APHORISE.
CHORIZOSchorizos n. Plural of chorizo.
CHORIZO n. (Spanish) a highly spiced sausage used in Spanish cooking.
CHROMIZEchromize v. (Transitive) To chrome; to treat with chromium.
CHROMIZE v. to chrome, also CHROMISE.
HEROIZEDheroized v. Simple past tense and past participle of heroize.
HEROIZE v. to make heroic, also HEROISE.
HEROIZESheroizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of heroize.
HEROIZE v. to make heroic, also HEROISE.
HIZZONERhizzoner n. (Informal, often humorous) Any mayor.
Hizzoner prop.n. (Slang, US) Eye dialect spelling of His Honor, the mayor, especially of a large city.
HIZZONER n. his honour, used as a title for a mayor.
HORIZONShorizons n. Plural of horizon.
HORIZON n. the line where earth and sky seem to meet.
HOWITZERhowitzer n. A cannon that combines certain characteristics of field guns and mortars, delivering projectiles with…
howitzer n. (Sports, rugby, ice hockey) A powerfully hit shot.
howitzer v. To attack with a howitzer.
MAHZORIMmahzorim n. Plural of mahzor.
MAHZOR n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer book, also MACHZOR.
PIROZHKIpirozhki n. Small pastries filled with finely chopped meat, vegetables or fruit baked or fried, from eastern European…
pirozhki n. A single such pastry.
PIROZHOK n. a small, Russian pastry.
PIROZHOKpirozhok n. Singular of pirozhki - Russian пирожки́.
PIROZHOK n. a small, Russian pastry.
RHIZOBIArhizobia n. Plural of rhizobium.
RHIZOBIUM n. a bacterium important in nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants.
RHIZOIDSrhizoids n. Plural of rhizoid.
RHIZOID n. a short hairlike organ in the lower plants, serving as a root.
RHIZOMESrhizomes n. Plural of rhizome.
RHIZOME n. (Greek) a rootlike, underground stem, also RHIZOMA.
RHIZOMICrhizomic adj. Relating to a rhizome.
RHIZOMIC adj. relating to a rhizome, a horizontal underground stem.
RHIZOPODrhizopod n. A member of the taxonomic superclass of Rhizopoda, being a type of amoeboid single-cell life with pseudopods…
RHIZOPOD n. any of a class of protozoans.
RHIZOPUSRhizopus prop.n. Zygomycete fungi, the members of which are saprobic and include species which cause rots in fruit and…
RHIZOPUS n. (Greek) any of a genus of mould fungi.
THEORIZEtheorize v. To formulate a theory, especially about some specific subject.
theorize v. To speculate.
THEORIZE v. to form theories, also THEORISE.
ZOOPHORIzoophori n. Plural of zoophorus.
ZOOPHORUS n. (Greek) a continuous frieze in relief, with people and animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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