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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2H, O and 2T

BATHOLITHbatholith n. (Geology) A large irregular mass of intrusive igneous rock that has melted or forced itself into surrounding strata.
BATHOLITH n. a mass of igneous rock that has risen from a great depth, also BATHOLITE, BATHYLITE, BATHYLITH.
BETHOUGHTbethought adj. (Of a thing) Intended; purposed; contrived.
bethought adj. (Of a person) Minded; disposed.
bethought v. Simple past tense and past participle of bethink.
FORTHWITHforthwith adv. (Chiefly formal, literary) Without delay; immediately.
FORTHWITH adv. immediately.
HAFTAROTHhaftaroth n. Plural of haftarah.
Haftaroth n. Plural of Haftarah.
HAFTARA n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTOROTHhaftoroth n. Plural of haftorah.
HAFTORAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTARAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAPHTAROThaphtarot n. Plural of haphtarah.
HAPHTARA n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARAH.
HOTCHPOTShotchpots n. Plural of hotchpot.
HOTCHPOT n. a confused mass of ingredients shaken or mixed together in the same pot, also HODGEPODGE, HOTCHPOTCH.
METHOUGHTmethought v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of methinks.
METHINK v. it seems to me, also METHINKETH, METHINKS.
PHYTOLITHphytolith n. A small particle of silica or mineral that occurs in many plants.
PHYTOLITH n. a microscopic particle in plants.
RETHOUGHTrethought v. Simple past tense and past participle of rethink.
RETHINK v. to think again.
TCHOTCHKEtchotchke n. (North American) A trinket.
tchotchke n. (North American, dated) An attractive woman or girl.
THEOPATHYtheopathy n. The capacity of a person to worship, or to experience a religious belief.
THEOPATHY n. emotional experience brought on by religious belief.
THITHERTOthitherto adv. (Archaic) thereto, to that point.
THITHERTO adv. to that point; so far.
THOUGHTEDthoughted adj. (In combination) Having thoughts of a specified kind.
THOUGHTED adj. having thoughts.
THOUGHTENthoughten v. (Nonstandard) past participle of think.
THOUGHTEN adj. (Shakespeare) firm in belief, assured.
TOOTHACHEtoothache n. (Medicine) A pain or ache in a tooth.
TOOTHACHE n. a pain in a tooth.
TOOTHFISHtoothfish n. Any of the two fish species of the genus Dissostichus.
TOOTHFISH n. the Chilean sea bass.
TOOTHWASHtoothwash n. A lotion for cleaning or whitening the teeth.
TOOTHWASH n. a liquid preparation for cleaning the teeth.
UNTHOUGHTunthought n. That which has not been (yet) thought; that which has yet to enter into the mind; a non-existent thought.
unthought v. Simple past tense and past participle of unthink.
unthought adj. Not having been thought.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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