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There are 17 nine-letter words containing H, M, 2R and U

BARATHRUMbarathrum n. A pit, especially one at Athens into which criminals were thrown.
barathrum n. The abyss, hell.
BARATHRUM n. (Latin) an insatiable extortioner or glutton; (historical) a pit in Athens into which condemned criminals were thrown.
BRUSHMARKbrushmark n. (Painting) A visible mark on a painted surface left by the bristles of a paintbrush.
BRUSHMARK n. an indented line left by a brush.
CRUMHORNScrumhorns n. Plural of crumhorn.
CRUMHORN n. (German) an ancient double-reed wind instrument, also CREMONA, CREMORNE, CROMORNA, CROMORNE, KRUMHORN, KRUMMHORN.
EURYTHERMeurytherm n. (Biology) An organism, often specifically an ectotherm, that can function at a wide range of temperatures.
EURYTHERM n. an organism which tolerates a wide range of temperatures.
HAMBURGERhamburger n. A hot sandwich consisting of a patty of cooked ground beef or a meat substitute, in a sliced bun, sometimes…
hamburger n. The patty used in such a sandwich.
hamburger n. (Uncountable) Ground beef, especially that intended to be made into hamburgers.
HARRUMPHSharrumphs n. Plural of harrumph.
harrumphs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of harrumph.
HARRUMPH v. to clear one's throat noisily in annoyance, also HARUMPH.
HERBARIUMherbarium n. A collection of dried plants or parts of plants.
herbarium n. A building or institution where such a collection is kept.
HERBARIUM n. a collection of preserved plants and herbs.
KRUMHORNSkrumhorns n. Plural of krumhorn.
KRUMHORN n. (German) an ancient double-reed wind instrument, also CREMONA, CREMORNE, CROMORNA, CROMORNE, CRUMHORN, KRUMMHORN.
KRUMMHORNkrummhorn n. A mediaeval and Renaissance wind instrument.
krummhorn n. A stop on an organ.
KRUMMHORN n. (German) an ancient double-reed wind instrument, also CREMONA, CREMORNE, CROMORNA, CROMORNE, CRUMHORN, KRUMHORN.
MURRHINESmurrhines n. Plural of murrhine.
MURRHINE n. a kind of clear glassware used to make ancient Roman vases, also MURRINE, MYRRHINE.
MURTHEREDmurthered v. Simple past tense and past participle of murther.
MURTHER v. (dialect) to murder.
MURTHERERmurtherer n. (Obsolete) A murderer.
MURTHERER n. a murderer.
PYRETHRUMpyrethrum n. Any of several daisy-like perennial African plants of the genus Tanacetum, especially Tanacetum cinerariifolium.
pyrethrum n. Anacyclus pyrethrum (pellitory of Spain).
pyrethrum n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several insecticides obtained from these plants; pyrethrin.
THRUMMERSthrummers n. Plural of thrummer.
THRUMMER n. one that thrums, strums rhythmically and monotonously.
THRUMMIERTHRUMMY adj. made of or like thrums, that is, ends of the warp threads in a loom, left unwoven and remaining attached to the loom when the web is cut off.
TRIUMPHERtriumpher n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) One who was honoured with a triumph; a victor.
triumpher n. One who triumphs or rejoices in victory.
TRIUMPHER n. one who was honored with a triumph; a victor.
UROCHROMEurochrome n. (Biochemistry) A pigment that causes the yellow color in urine. It is a breakdown product of the blood’s…
UROCHROME n. an amorphous yellow pigment found in urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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