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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing H, N, R, T, U and Y

COUNTERMYTHcountermyth n. A myth that counters or contradicts another.
COUNTERMYTH n. an opposing myth.
ERYTHRONIUMerythronium n. A plant of the genus Erythronium; a dogtooth violet.
erythronium n. (Obsolete) An early proposed name for vanadium.
Erythronium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Liliaceae – the fawnlilies.
HYPONITROUShyponitrous adj. Of or pertaining to hyponitrous acid or its derivatives.
HYPONITROUS adj. containing or derived from nitrogen having a lower valence than in nitrous compounds.
NATUROPATHYnaturopathy n. (Alternative medicine) A system of therapy that avoids synthetic drugs and surgery, while emphasizing…
NATUROPATHY n. medical treatment by methods believed to aid nature.
NEUROTROPHYneurotrophy n. (Biology) The nutrition and metabolism of tissues regulated by nerves.
NEUROTROPHY n. nutrition of the nervous system; the influence of the nervous system on nutrition.
POLYURETHANPOLYURETHAN n. any of various polymers used esp. in flexible and rigid foams, elastomers, and resins, also POLYURETHANE.
THRUMMINGLYthrummingly adv. With a thrumming sound or vibration.
THRUMMING adv. humming, droning.
THYSANURANSthysanurans n. Plural of thysanuran.
THYSANURAN n. a member of the bristletails, an order of small wingless insects with abdominal appendages.
THYSANUROUSthysanurous adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Thysanura (now Zygentoma), an order of insects with three long caudal filaments.
THYSANUROUS adj. relating to a thysanuran, a bristletail.
UNBIRTHDAYSunbirthdays n. Plural of unbirthday.
UNBIRTHDAY n. a day other than one's birthday.
UNBROTHERLYunbrotherly adj. Not brotherly; not befitting a brother.
UNBROTHERLY adj. not brotherly.
UNHURTFULLYunhurtfully adv. In a way that is not hurtful.
UNHURTFUL adv. not hurtful.
UNORTHODOXYunorthodoxy n. Lack of orthodoxy; the quality or state of being unorthodox.
UNORTHODOXY n. the state of being unorthodox.
UNSEAWORTHYunseaworthy adj. Unfit for a sea voyage.
UNSEAWORTHY adj. not good enough to be used on the sea.
UNTHRIFTILYunthriftily adv. In a way that is not thrifty.
unthriftily adv. (Obsolete) In an immoral or dissolute manner.
UNTHRIFTY adv. not thrifty.
WHODUNNITRYwhodunnitry n. The plot or technique characteristic of whodunnits; the process of following clues to determine who committed a crime.
WHODUNNITRY n. the genre of whodunit writing, also WHODUNITRY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 101 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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