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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing H, 2I, N, O and T

HIMATIONhimation n. (Historical) A rectangular cloak of linen or wool, worn in Ancient Greece, usually over a chiton.
HIMATION n. (Greek) a rectangular garment of ancient Greece, worn draped over left shoulder and wrapped around the body.
HISTRIONhistrion n. (Obsolete) A stage actor.
HISTRION n. (archaic) an actor, also HISTRIO.
HOISTINGhoisting n. The act by which something is hoisted.
hoisting n. (Programming) The behaviour of Javascript syntax which allows variables to be used before they are declared.
hoisting v. Present participle of hoist.
LITHOINGlithoing v. Present participle of litho.
LITHO v. to make a lithograph.
ORNITHICornithic adj. Of or pertaining to birds.
ORNITHIC adj. pertaining to birds.
PHOTINIAphotinia n. Any member of the genus Photinia of small trees and large shrubs in the family Rosaceae.
Photinia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rosaceae.
PHOTINIA n. any of a genus of evergreen or deciduous trees or shrubs of the Rosaceae family.
THIONINEthionine n. (Chemistry) An artificial red or violet dyestuff consisting of a complex sulfur derivative of certain…
thionine n. (Organic chemistry) The unsaturated nine-membered heterocycle having eight carbon atoms, one sulfur…
THIONINE n. a violet dye, also THIONIN.
THIONINSthionins n. Plural of thionin.
THIONIN n. a violet dye, also THIONINE.
TITHONIAtithonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Tithonia of flowering plants in the sunflower tribe (Heliantheae) within the…
TITHONIA n. a tall herb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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