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There are 20 words containing H, N, 2R, T, U and Y

ANARTHROUSLYanarthrously adv. (Grammar) In an anarthrous manner; without an accompanying article.
ANARTHROUS adv. without distinct joints.
ERYTHRONIUMerythronium n. A plant of the genus Erythronium; a dogtooth violet.
erythronium n. (Obsolete) An early proposed name for vanadium.
Erythronium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Liliaceae – the fawnlilies.
ERYTHRONIUMSERYTHRONIUM n. any plant of the bulbous genus Erythronium, with decoratively mottled leaves and cyclamen-like flowers.
HYPERPRODUCTIONhyperproduction n. Excessive production.
HYPERPRODUCTION n. excessive production.
HYPERVIRULENThypervirulent adj. Extremely virulent.
HYPERVIRULENT adj. extremely virulent.
NEUROCHEMISTRYneurochemistry n. (Biochemistry) The branch of neuroscience concerned with the chemistry of the nervous system.
NEUROCHEMISTRY n. the study of the chemical makeup and activities of nervous tissue.
NEUROPSYCHIATRYneuropsychiatry n. (Medicine) The branch of medicine dealing with disorders that have both neurological and psychiatric features.
NEUROPSYCHIATRY n. a branch of medicine concerned with both neurology and psychiatry.
NEUROTROPHYneurotrophy n. (Biology) The nutrition and metabolism of tissues regulated by nerves.
NEUROTROPHY n. nutrition of the nervous system; the influence of the nervous system on nutrition.
NORTHCOUNTRYMANnorth␣countryman n. Someone from the north of England.
NORTHCOUNTRYMAN n. one living in the north.
NORTHCOUNTRYMENnorth␣countrymen n. Plural of north countryman.
NORTHCOUNTRYMAN n. one living in the north.
ORNITHORHYNCHUSornithorhynchus n. A platypus (genus Ornithorhynchus).
Ornithorhynchus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ornithorhynchidae – the single species Ornithorhynchus anatinus…
ORNITHORHYNCHUS n. the duckbill platypus.
SUPERHETERODYNEsuperheterodyne adj. (Electronics) Pertaining to a technique used in radio and television receivers to tune to a particular…
superheterodyne n. A receiver of this kind.
SUPERHETERODYNE n. applied to radio reception in which oscillations of slightly different frequency are imposed on the received oscillations, producing beats of a frequency above audio-frequency which are easily amplified.
TETRAHYDROFURANtetrahydrofuran n. (Organic chemistry) A heterocyclic ether having a five-membered ring with four carbon atoms and one…
TETRAHYDROFURAN n. a flammable liquid ether derived from furan and used as a solvent and as an intermediate in organic synthesis.
TURBOMACHINERYturbomachinery n. Turbomachines collectively.
TURBOMACHINERY n. machinery consisting of, incorporating, or constituting a turbine.
ULTRASONOGRAPHYultrasonography n. (Medicine) The use of ultrasound to produce diagnostic images of the internal organs of the body, or of a foetus.
ultrasonography n. The use of ultrasound to form images of underwater structures.
ULTRASONOGRAPHY n. the use of ultrasound.
UNBROTHERLYunbrotherly adj. Not brotherly; not befitting a brother.
UNBROTHERLY adj. not brotherly.
UNPRAISEWORTHYunpraiseworthy adj. Not praiseworthy.
UNPRAISEWORTHY adj. not praiseworthy.
UNROADWORTHYunroadworthy adj. Describing a vehicle which is not safe for use on the road.
UNROADWORTHY adj. not roadworthy.
UNTRUSTWORTHILYuntrustworthily adv. In an untrustworthy manner.
UNTRUSTWORTHY adv. not trustworthy.
UNTRUSTWORTHYuntrustworthy adj. Not deserving of trust; unreliable.
UNTRUSTWORTHY adj. not trustworthy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 665 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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