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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 14 five-letter words containing I, L, S and U

FUSILfusil n. (Heraldry) A bearing of a rhomboidal figure, originally representing a spindle in shape, longer than…
fusil n. (Now historical) A light flintlock musket or firelock.
fusil adj. Obsolete spelling of fusile.
GUSLIgusli n. (Music) A plucked psaltery-like string instrument, usually played on the lap and sometimes created with…
GUSLI n. a one-stringed Balkan musical instrument, also GUSLA, GUSLE.
HILUShilus n. (Anatomy) A hilum.
HILUS n. (Latin) the scar on a seed where it joined its stalk, also HILUM.
IGLUSiglus n. Plural of iglu.
IGLU n. (Inuit) a snow house, also IGLOO.
ILEUSileus n. (Medicine, modern usage) Disruption of the normal propulsive ability of the gastrointestinal tract…
ileus n. (Medicine, broad definition, now rare) Disruption of the normal propulsive ability of the gastrointestinal…
ILEUS n. (Latin) an intestinal obstruction.
LIEUSLieus prop.n. Plural of Lieu.
LIEU n. (French) a place or stead, esp. in the phrase in lieu of.
LOUISlouis n. (Historical numismatics) Any gold or silver coin issued by the French kings from Louis XIII to Louis…
louis n. (Historical numismatics) The louis d’or constitutionnel, a 24-livre gold coin issued by the First French Republic.
louis n. (Historical numismatics, informal) The franc germinal or napoleon, a similar gold coin issued by Napoleon…
MUILSMUIL n. (Scots) a mule, a backless slipper.
PILUSpilus n. A hair.
pilus n. (Microbiology) A hairlike appendage found on the cell surface of many bacteria.
pilus n. (Biochemistry) A bacterial protein that has several biochemical functions.
PULISpulis n. Plural of puli.
Pulis prop.n. A surname from Maltese.
Pulis n. Plural of Puli.
SIMULsimul n. (Gaming) A simultaneous exhibition: one player, typically very strong, plays several games at the same…
SIMUL n. (short for) a simultaneous, a display in which a player plays a number of games of chess simultaneously against different opponents.
SLUITsluit n. (South Africa) Alternative spelling of sloot.
SLUIT n. (South African) a narrow water-channel, also SLOOT.
SULCIsulci n. Plural of sulcus.
SULCUS n. (Latin) a groove or furrow in a body, organ, or tissue, esp. one between two convolutions of the brain.
TULSItulsi n. Holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum.
Tulsi prop.n. A female given name from Hindi.
TULSI n. (Hindi) a type of basil, a sacred plant in Hindu belief.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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