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There are 20 six-letter words containing I, M, T and Y

COMITYcomity n. Courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others; social harmony.
comity n. Friendly understanding and mutual recognition between two entities, especially nations.
COMITY n. courteousness; civility.
DIMITYdimity n. (Dated in general use, now textiles) A light strong fabric with woven stripes or squares.
dimity n. Alternative form of dimmity (“dusk, twilight”).
Dimity prop.n. A female given name of modern usage.
ENMITYenmity n. The quality of being an enemy; hostile or unfriendly disposition.
enmity n. A state or feeling of opposition, hostility, hatred or animosity.
ENMITY n. hostility.
ETYMICetymic adj. Relating to the etymon.
ETYMIC adj. relating to the etymon, the original form of a word, as, an etymic word.
MATILYmatily adv. (Britain) Friendlily, like a mate.
MATY adv. friendly.
MIGHTYmighty n. (Obsolete, rare) A warrior of great strength and courage.
mighty adj. Very strong; possessing might.
mighty adj. Very heavy and powerful.
MOIETYmoiety n. A half.
moiety n. A share or portion, especially a smaller share.
moiety n. (Anthropology) Each descent group in a culture which is divided exactly into two descent groups.
MOYITYmoyity n. Obsolete spelling of moiety.
MOYITY n. (Spenser) moiety.
MUTINYmutiny n. An organized rebellion against a legally constituted authority, especially by seamen against their officers.
mutiny n. Violent commotion; tumult; strife.
mutiny v. (Intransitive) To commit a mutiny.
MYOTICmyotic adj. Alternative form of miotic.
myotic n. Alternative form of miotic.
MYOTIC n. an agent that causes miosis, also MIOTIC.
MYSTICmystic adj. Of, or relating to mystics, mysticism or occult mysteries; mystical.
mystic adj. Mysterious and strange; arcane, obscure or enigmatic.
mystic n. Someone who practices mysticism.
MYTHICmythic adj. Mythical; existing in myth.
mythic adj. Larger-than-life.
MYTHIC adj. relating to myth, also MYTHICAL.
MYTHOImythoi n. Plural of mythos.
MYTHOS n. (Greek) a type of traditional story, also MYTH, MYTHUS.
SMITHYsmithy n. The location where a smith (particularly a blacksmith) works, a forge.
smithy v. (Uncommon) to forge, especially by hand.
Smithy prop.n. A nickname of the surname Smith.
STYMIEstymie n. (Golf) A situation where an opponent’s ball is directly in the way of one’s own ball and the hole, on…
stymie n. (By extension) An obstacle or obstruction.
stymie v. To thwart or stump; to cause to fail or to leave hopelessly puzzled, confused, or stuck.
THYMICthymic adj. Of or relating to the thymus gland.
thymic adj. (Organic chemistry) Derived from thymol.
THYMIC adj. of or pertaining to the thymus gland.
TIMELYtimely adj. Done at the proper time or within the proper time limits; prompt.
timely adj. Happening or appearing at the proper time.
timely adj. (Obsolete) Keeping time or measure.
TRIMLYtrimly adv. In a trim manner; neatly, smartly.
trimly adv. (Obsolete) Effectively, handily, nicely, thoroughly, soundly, well.
TRIM adv. neat.
VOMITYvomity adj. (Informal) Resembling vomit in colour, texture, etc.
vomity adj. (Informal) Inclined to vomit; sick.
VOMITY adj. resembling or smelling of vomit.
ZYMITEZYMITE n. a priest who uses leavened bread.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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