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There are 20 six-letter words containing I, P and 2R

GRIPERgriper n. One who gripes.
griper n. (Archaic) An oppressor or extortioner.
GRIPER n. one who gripes.
IRRUPTirrupt v. (Transitive) To break into.
irrupt v. (Intransitive) To enter forcibly or uninvited.
irrupt v. (Intransitive) To rapidly increase or intensify.
PAIRERpairer n. (Obsolete) One who impairs.
PAIR adj. (Scots) poor.
PORIERPORY adj. having pores.
PRICERpricer n. One who, or that which, prices.
PRICER n. one who sets a price.
PRIERSpriers n. Plural of prier.
Priers prop.n. Plural of Prier.
PRIER n. one who pries, also PRYER.
PRIMERprimer n. (Historical, Catholicism ecclesiastical) A prayer or devotional book intended for laity, initially an…
primer n. (Historical, Protestant ecclesiastical) Any of various similar works issued in England for private prayer…
primer n. A children’s book intended to teach literacy: how to read, write, and spell.
PRIORSpriors n. Plural of prior.
PRIOR n. one in charge of a priory, ranking second to abbot.
PRIORYpriory n. A monastery or convent governed by a prior or prioress.
PRIORY n. a religious house.
PRISERpriser n. A tool for prising something open.
priser n. Obsolete form of prizer.
PRISER n. a contestant for a prize, also PRIZER.
PRIZERprizer n. One who places a high value on something.
prizer n. One who estimates or sets the value of a thing; an appraiser.
prizer n. (Obsolete) One who contends for a prize; a prizefighter; a challenger.
PUIRERPUIR adj. (Scots) poor.
PURIRIpuriri n. Vitex lucens, an evergreen tree endemic to New Zealand.
PURIRI n. (Maori) a timber tree of New Zealand, with red berries and glossy green leaves.
RAPIERrapier n. A slender, straight, sharply pointed sword (double-edged, single-edged or edgeless).
rapier adj. Extremely sharp.
rapier adj. Cutting; employing keen wit.
REPAIRrepair v. To restore to good working order, fix, or improve damaged condition; to mend; to remedy.
repair v. To make amends for, as for an injury, by an equivalent; to indemnify for.
repair n. The act of repairing something.
RIPERSRIPER n. one who gropes, ransacks.
RIPPERripper n. Something that rips something else.
ripper n. Someone who rips something.
ripper n. A legislative bill or act that transfers powers of appointment from the usual holders to a chief executive…
RIPRAPriprap n. An underwater bank seen as a danger to shipping.
riprap n. (Chiefly North America) Rocks or other materials used to shore up an embankment, deter or prevent erosion…
riprap v. To form a riprap in or upon.
ROPIERropier adj. Comparative form of ropy: more ropy.
ROPY adj. resembling rope, also ROPEY.
SPRIERsprier adj. Comparative form of spry: more spry.
SPRY adj. smart, dapper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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