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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2I, J and T

DISJOINTdisjoint adj. Not smooth or continuous; disjointed.
disjoint adj. (Set theory, not comparable) Of two or more sets, having no members in common; having an intersection…
disjoint v. To render disjoint; to remove a connection, linkage, or intersection.
IJTIHADSijtihads n. Plural of ijtihad.
IJTIHAD n. (Arabic) the use of reasoning in Islamic law.
INJOINTSinjoints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of injoint.
INJOINT v. (Shakespeare) to join.
JAILBAITjailbait n. (Slang) A sexually mature person below, or appearing to be below, the legal age of consent, who is regarded…
jail-bait n. Alternative spelling of jailbait.
jail␣bait n. Alternative spelling of jailbait.
JANITRIXjanitrix n. A female janitor.
JANITRIX n. (Latin) a female doorkeeper.
JIGGIESTJIGGY adj. with the rhythm of a jig (dance).
JIHADISTjihadist n. One who participates in a jihad, an Islamic holy war or conflict; a mujahid.
jihadist n. An adherent of jihadism.
jihadist n. One who is militant for their religion (or irreligion).
JIMPIESTJIMPY adj. (Scots) neat.
JINGOISTjingoist n. One who advocates an aggressive nationalism; one who vociferously supports a nation’s military aims.
jingoist adj. Jingoistic; extremely supportive of warlike foreign policy.
JINGOIST n. a zealous patriot, also JINGO.
JIRKINETjirkinet n. An outer jacket or jerkin worn by women.
JIRKINET n. (Scots) a woman's jacket or bodice.
JIUJITSUjiujitsu n. Alternative spelling of jujitsu.
jiu-jitsu n. Alternative spelling of jujitsu.
jiu-jitsu n. Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
JOINTINGjointing n. The act of making a joint.
jointing n. The set of joints so produced.
jointing n. (Uncountable) The characteristic of having joints.
JOISTINGjoisting v. Present participle of joist.
JOIST v. to fit with joists.
JUICIESTjuiciest adj. Superlative form of juicy: most juicy.
JUICY adj. full of juice.
JURISTICjuristic adj. (Scots law, South Africa) legal, juridical, pertaining to the law and jurisprudence.
JURISTIC adj. of or pertaining to a jurist, to the legal profession, or to jurisprudence, also JURISTICAL.
KOMITAJIkomitaji n. Alternative spelling of comitadji.
KOMITAJI n. (Turkish) a member of the Bulgarian Revolutionary Committee in Macedonia; any Balkan guerilla, also COMITADJI.
NINJITSUninjitsu n. Alternative form of ninjutsu.
NINJITSU n. (Japanese) a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage, also NINJUTSU.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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