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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing I, M, P and X

AMPHIOXIamphioxi n. Plural of amphioxus.
AMPHIOXUS n. (Greek) a fishlike creature, two or three inches long, found in temperate seas, aka lancelet.
APOMIXESapomixes n. Plural of apomixis.
APOMIXIS n. (Greek) nonsexual reproduction, from an apomict or unfertilized ovum.
APOMIXISapomixis n. (Botany) Plant reproduction without fertilization.
apomixis n. (Botany) Plant reproduction without fertilization, meiosis, or the production of gametes.
apomixis n. (Zoology) Animal reproduction in which the egg cell does not undergo meiosis or fertilization.
IMPLEXESimplexes n. Plural of implex.
IMPLEX n. (Latin) a muscle attachment in jointed creatures like centipedes.
MIREPOIXmirepoix n. A combination of diced onions, carrots, celery and herbs sautéed in oil or butter as used in French cooking.
mirepoix n. (Figurative) A mixture.
Mirepoix prop.n. A city in the Ariège department, France.
MIXTAPESmixtapes n. Plural of mixtape.
mix␣tapes n. Plural of mix tape.
MIXTAPE n. a compilation of songs from various sources.
PANMIXESPANMIXIS n. (Greek) random mating within a breeding population, also PANMIXIA.
PANMIXIApanmixia n. (Ecology) A situation in which an individual is just as likely to mate with a randomly chosen individual…
panmixia n. (Biology) The cessation of natural selection, as on a useless organ.
PANMIXIA n. random mating within a breeding population, also PANMIXIS.
PANMIXISpanmixis n. (Ecology) Panmixia.
PANMIXIS n. (Greek) random mating within a breeding population, also PANMIXIA.
PHORMINXphorminx n. A kind of lyre used by the Ancient Greeks.
PHORMINX n. (Greek) a kind of lyre used by the Greeks.
PREMIXEDpremixed v. Simple past tense and past participle of premix.
premixed adj. Mixed prior to use or sale.
PREMIX v. to mix before use.
PREMIXESpremixes n. Plural of premix.
PREMIX v. to mix before use.
PROXEMICproxemic adj. Of or relating to proxemics.
PROXEMIC adj. pertaining to a branch of environmental study.
PROXIMALproximal adj. (Anatomy, geology) Closer to the point of attachment or observation.
proximal adj. (Dentistry) Facing toward another tooth. The proximal surfaces of a tooth are those that touch or are…
proximal adj. (Linguistics) Closer to the speaker.
PYXIDIUMpyxidium n. (Botany) A seed capsule in the form of a box, the seeds being released when the top splits off.
PYXIDIUM n. a capsule that opens by a transverse circular split.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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