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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing I, L, N, T and U

INCULTincult adj. (Obsolete) Uncultivated, wild.
incult adj. (Now rare) Rough, unrefined.
INCULT adj. uncultivated.
INDULTindult n. (Catholicism) A permission or privilege granted by the church authority that excepts an individual from…
INDULT n. a privilege granted by the pope.
INSULTinsult v. (Transitive) To be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (somebody); to affront or demean (someone).
insult v. (Transitive, also figuratively, obsolete) To assail, assault, or attack; (specifically, military) to…
insult v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (against or over someone).
LUITENLET v. to allow.
LUTEINlutein n. (Organic chemistry) A yellow carotenoid pigment, widely distributed in both plants and animals.
LUTEIN n. a yellow pigment found in egg yolk.
LUTINGluting v. Present participle of lute.
luting n. Lute (a kind of sticky clay or cement).
LUTING n. a rubber seal; a paste used for fastening lids on pie dishes.
OILNUToilnut n. Any nut from which oil may be commercially extracted.
oilnut n. The buffalo nut (from Pyrularia oleifera).
OILNUT n. a North American butternut.
SUNLITsunlit adj. Illuminated by sunlight.
SUNLIT adj. lit by the sun.
TINFULtinful n. As much as a tin will hold.
TINFUL n. as much as a tin can hold.
ULTIONultion n. (Archaic) revenge.
ULTION n. (obsolete) vengeance.
UNGILTungilt adj. Ungilded.
UNGILT adj. not gilt.
UNITALunital adj. (Mathematics) (of an algebra) containing a multiplicative identity element (or unit), i.e. an element…
UNITAL adj. relating to a unit.
UNTILEuntile v. (Transitive) To remove the tiles from.
UNTILE v. to strip of tiles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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