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There are 19 seven-letter words containing 2I, P, R and T

FIREPITfirepit n. A pit dug in the ground, or constructed from stones, in which a fire is made, principally for cooking.
fire␣pit n. Alternative spelling of firepit.
FIREPIT n. a depression dug in the ground in which a fire is made.
IMPRINTimprint n. An impression; the mark left behind by printing something.
imprint n. The name and details of a publisher or printer, as printed in a book etc.; a publishing house.
imprint n. A distinctive marking, symbol or logo.
PIARISTPiarist n. A member of the Order of Poor Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools, a Catholic…
PIARIST n. a member of a Christian group who educate the poor.
PICRITEpicrite n. A variety of high-magnesium olivine basalt.
PICRITE n. a dark green igneous rock, consisting largely of chrysolite, with hornblende, augite, biotite, etc.
PIRATICpiratic adj. Alternative form of piratical.
PIRATIC adj. of or pertaining to a pirate, also PIRATICAL.
PITHIERpithier adj. Comparative form of pithy: more pithy.
PITHY adj. full of pith, to the point.
PITIERSpitiers n. Plural of pitier.
PITIER n. one who pities.
PITURISPITURI n. (Native Australian) a type of Australian shrub.
PRIVITYprivity n. (Obsolete) A divine mystery; something known only to God, or revealed only in holy scriptures.
privity n. (Now rare, archaic) Privacy, secrecy.
privity n. (Obsolete) A private matter, a secret.
PYRITICpyritic adj. Of, relating to, or consisting of pyrite or pyrites.
PYRITIC adj. consisting of, or resembling, pyrites, also PYRITICAL, PYRITOUS.
RIPTIDEriptide n. A particularly strong tidal current.
riptide n. A rip current which may carry a swimmer offshore (the term "riptide" used in this sense is a misnomer).
rip␣tide n. (UK) Alternative spelling of riptide.
SPIRITSspirits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spirit.
spirits n. Plural of spirit.
spirits n. Distilled alcoholic beverages.
SPIRITYspirity adj. Full of spirit; spirited.
SPIRITY adj. (dialect) spirited; spirituous.
TIDERIPtide␣rip n. A body of water made rough by the conflict of opposing tides or currents.
TIDERIP n. disturbed sea due to currents.
TIPPIERtippier adj. Comparative form of tippy: more tippy.
TIPPY adj. (slang) in the height of fashion.
TIPSIERtipsier adj. Comparative form of tipsy: more tipsy.
TIPSY adj. slightly drunk.
TRIPIERTRIPY adj. like tripe, worthless, also TRIPEY.
TRIPOLItripoli n. (Geology) A sedimentary rock composed of the shells of diatoms etc., used for polishing.
Tripoli prop.n. The capital city of Libya.
Tripoli prop.n. A city in Greece. Former name: Tripolis.
TRIPSIStripsis n. (Medicine, archaic) trituration.
tripsis n. (Medicine, archaic) shampoo (a kind of body massage).
TRIPSIS n. (Greek) pulverization.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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