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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing I, 2N, P and T

ENPRINTenprint n. (Photography) A moderately enlarged print made from a relatively small (e.g. 35 mm) negative.
ENPRINT n. a size of photographic print.
PANNISTpannist n. Someone who plays a steelpan.
PANNIST n. a person who plays a steel drum.
PANTINEPANTINE n. (obsolete) a pasteboard jumping-jack, fashionable in the 18th century.
PANTINGpanting v. Present participle of pant.
panting n. The act of one who pants.
Panting prop.n. A surname.
PINNATEpinnate adj. Resembling a feather.
pinnate adj. (Botany) Having two rows of branches, lobes, leaflets, or veins arranged on each side of a common axis.
pinnate adj. (Zoology) Having a winglike tuft of long feathers on each side of the neck.
PINNETSpinnets n. Plural of pinnet.
PINNET n. a pinnacle.
PINTANOpintano n. Abudefduf saxatilis, a species of damselfish.
PINTANO n. a dark-banded tropical fish.
PONTINEpontine adj. (Neuroanatomy) Of or pertaining to the pons in the brain stem.
Pontine adj. Of or relating to an extensive marshy district between Rome and Naples.
Pontine adj. Pertaining to Ponza, an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
PUNTINGpunting v. Present participle of punt.
PUNT v. to propel through water with a pole.
SNAPTINsnap-tin n. (UK, regional, dated) A metal lunchbox (food container).
SNAPTIN n. (dialect) a container for food.
SPINNETspinnet n. Alternative spelling of spinet.
SPINNET n. a musical instrument like a small harpsichord, also SPINET, SPINETTE.
TENPINStenpins n. A game, a form of bowling, played with ten pins as the target.
tenpins n. Plural of tenpin.
ten-pins n. Plural of ten-pin.
UNPAINTunpaint v. (Transitive) To remove paint from.
unpaint v. (Transitive, figuratively) To efface.
UNPAINT v. to remove the paint from.
UNPINKTUNPINKT adj. (Shakespeare) not pinked, i.e. not ornamented with punched holes, also UNPINKED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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