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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing I, K, O, T and W

DOWNTICKdowntick n. A small decrease or downward change in something that has been steady or rising.
downtick n. (Finance) A stock market transaction or quote at a price below a preceding one.
DOWNTICK n. a stock market transaction.
KILOWATTkilowatt n. One thousand (103) watts.
kilo-watt n. One thousand (103) watts. Symbol: kW or KW.
KILOWATT n. a unit of power.
KOTOWINGkotowing v. Present participle of kotow.
kotowing n. Alternative form of kowtowing.
KOTOW v. (Chinese) to grovel, also KOWTOW.
MILKWORTmilkwort n. Any of more than 500 species of flowering plants of the genus Polygala that are used as a food source…
MILKWORT n. a plant of genus Polygala, supposed by some to promote the production of milk in women.
OUTWICKSOUTWICK v. to make such a stroke.
SHITWORKshitwork n. (Derogatory) Work of low status or yielding little satisfaction.
SHITWORK n. (vulgar) work considered to be menial or routine.
TIMEWORKtimework n. Work for which a certain rate is paid per unit of time.
time-work n. Alternative form of timework.
time␣work n. Alternative form of timework.
TINWORKStinworks n. Plural of tinwork.
tinworks n. A factory where tin products are manufactured.
TINWORK n. something made of tin.
TOWNSKIPTOWNSKIP n. (Dickens) a city urchin.
TWOCKINGtwocking v. Present participle of twoc.
TWOCKING n. the offence of taking (a car) without the owner's consent, also TWOCCING.
WONKIESTwonkiest adj. Superlative form of wonky: most wonky.
WONKY adj. not working properly.
WORKSITEworksite n. A site where work occurs; usually used in reference to construction work.
WORKSITE n. an area where work takes place.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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