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There are 18 eight-letter words containing I, P, R, T and V

BLIPVERTblipvert n. A subliminal or nearly subliminal advertisement displayed for a very short time.
BLIPVERT n. a very short advertisement on television.
ERUPTIVEeruptive adj. That erupts or bursts forth.
eruptive adj. Accompanied by eruptions.
eruptive adj. (Geology) Produced by eruption.
LIVETRAPlivetrap v. Alternative spelling of live-trap.
livetrap n. Alternative spelling of live-trap.
live-trap v. To catch live animals with traps.
OVERTIPSovertips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overtip.
OVERTIP v. to tip more than is normal.
OVERTRIPovertrip v. (Transitive) To trip over nimbly.
OVERTRIP v. to trip nimbly over.
PERVIATEPERVIATE v. to make a way through.
PERVIESTperviest adj. Superlative form of pervy: most pervy.
PERVY adj. perverted.
PIVOTERSpivoters n. Plural of pivoter.
PIVOTER n. someone who makes pivots.
PRACTIVEpractive adj. (Obsolete) Doing; active.
PRACTIVE adj. (obsolete) practical; concerned with practice.
PREVISITprevisit adj. Prior to a visit.
previsit n. A prior visit.
previsit v. To visit beforehand.
PRIVATERprivater adj. Comparative form of private: more private.
PRIVATE adj. secluded from the sight, presence or intrusion of others.
PRIVATESprivates n. Plural of private.
privates n. (Informal) The genitalia; those body parts that are not normally displayed; private parts.
privates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of private.
PRIVIESTpriviest adj. Superlative form of privy: most privy.
PRIVY adj. private.
PROVIANTproviant n. (Scotland) provisions, especially for an army.
PROVIANT n. an allowance of food, also PROVAND, PROVEND, PROVENDER.
SORPTIVEsorptive adj. Relating to sorption or sorptivity.
SORPTIVE adj. tending to absorb and/or adsorb.
SPORTIVEsportive adj. (Archaic) lively; merry; spritely.
sportive adj. Playful, coltish.
sportive adj. Interested in sport.
VARITYPEvaritype n. (Printing, historical) A kind of advanced typewriter that could use various different typefaces.
varitype v. (Printing, historical) To prepare printed material using a machine of this kind.
VARITYPE v. to produce copy on a special typewriter.
VIEWPORTviewport n. A viewing window.
viewport n. (Computer graphics) A typically rectangular region representing the range or area currently visible…
viewport v. (Transitive, computer graphics) To clip (an image or region) so that it fits in a viewport.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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