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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 3I, L and Y

DIVISIBLYdivisibly adv. In a way that is divisible.
DIVISIBLE adv. that can be divided, also DIVIDABLE.
EDIBILITYedibility n. Suitability for use as food.
EDIBILITY n. the quality of being edible.
FISSILITYfissility n. The quality of being fissile (in any sense).
fissility n. (Geology) The property of mudstones to split along layers, more or less parallel to the plane of bedding…
FISSILITY n. the ability to be split.
ILLICITLYillicitly adv. In an illicit manner; illegally, immorally or inappropriately.
ILLICIT adv. unlawful, forbidden.
IMPLICITYimplicity n. (Obsolete) The quality of being implicit.
IMPLICITY n. a state of being implicit.
INABILITYinability n. Lack of the ability to do something; incapability.
inability n. Lack of the option to do something; powerlessness.
INABILITY n. the absence of an inability.
INITIALLYinitially adv. At the beginning.
INITIAL adv. at the beginning.
INSIPIDLYinsipidly adv. In an insipid manner.
INSIPID adv. dull and uninteresting.
INUTILITYinutility n. (Uncountable) Uselessness.
inutility n. (Uncountable) Unprofitableness.
inutility n. (Countable) Something of no use.
INVISIBLYinvisibly adv. In a way that can not be seen; in an invisible manner.
INVISIBLE adv. that cannot be seen.
LIABILITYliability n. An obligation, debt or responsibility owed to someone.
liability n. A handicap that holds something back, a drawback, someone or something that is a burden to whoever is…
liability n. The likelihood of something happening.
LIMPIDITYlimpidity n. The property of being limpid.
LIMPIDITY n. the quality of being limpid.
LIQUIDITYliquidity n. (Finance) The degree of which something is in high supply and demand, making it easily convertible to cash.
liquidity n. (Uncountable) The state or property of being liquid.
liquidity n. (Economics, countable) An asset’s property of being able to be sold without affecting its value; the…
VIABILITYviability n. The property of being viable; the ability to live or to succeed.
VIABILITY n. the state of being viable.
VILIFYINGvilifying v. Present participle of vilify.
vilifying n. An act of vilification.
VILIFY v. to slander; degrade.
WIKIALITYwikiality n. (Satirical) The ability to rewrite reality by editing a Wikipedia page through majority consent.
WIKIALITY n. information that is assumed to be true because it appears in a wiki-based encyclopaedia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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