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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing I, N, 2O, R and Z

CHORIZONTSchorizonts n. Plural of chorizont.
CHORIZONT n. a person who disputes identity of authorship, esp. one who ascribes the Iliad and Odyssey to different authors, also CHORIZONTIST.
COLONIZERScolonizers n. Plural of colonizer.
COLONIZER n. one who colonizes, also COLONISER.
COLORIZINGcolorizing v. Present participle of colorize.
COLORIZE v. to add colour with a computer, also COLORISE, COLOURISE, COLOURIZE.
ECONOMIZEReconomizer n. A person who avoids waste.
economizer n. A heat exchange device in a boiler that improves efficiency and saves fuel.
ECONOMIZER n. one who economizes, also ECONOMISER.
GORGONIZEDgorgonized v. Simple past tense and past participle of gorgonize.
GORGONIZE v. to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on, to petrify, also GORGONISE.
GORGONIZESgorgonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gorgonize.
GORGONIZE v. to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on, to petrify, also GORGONISE.
HORIZONTALhorizontal adj. Perpendicular to the vertical; parallel to the plane of the horizon; level, flat.
horizontal adj. (Marketing) Relating to horizontal markets.
horizontal adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to the horizon.
MOTORIZINGmotorizing v. Present participle of motorize.
MOTORIZE v. to provide with motors, also MOTORISE.
RECOGNIZORrecognizor n. (Law) One who enters into a recognizance.
RECOLONIZErecolonize v. To colonize again, especially after decolonization.
RECOLONIZE v. to colonize again, also RECOLONISE.
RHIZOPODANRHIZOPODAN n. one of the Rhizopoda, amoebae and rotarians moving and taking in food with pseudopods, also RHIZOPOD.
ROBOTIZINGrobotizing v. Present participle of robotize.
ROBOTIZE v. to make automatic, also ROBOTISE.
SORORIZINGsororizing v. Present participle of sororize.
SORORIZE v. to associate in a sisterly way, also SORORISE.
ZOODENDRIAzoodendria n. Plural of zoodendrium.
ZOODENDRIUM n. the branched stalk connecting the members of the colony in certain colonial Infusoria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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