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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing I, 2O, 2S and V

CORROSIVEScorrosives n. Plural of corrosive.
CORROSIVE n. a corrosive substance.
DISPROOVESdisprooves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disproove.
DISPROOVE v. (Spenser) to disapprove of.
GROOVINESSgrooviness n. The quality or state of being groovy.
GROOVINESS n. the state of being groovy.
MOSCOVIUMSMOSCOVIUM n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
NONVISCOUSnonviscous adj. Not viscous.
NONVISCOUS adj. not viscous.
OBVERSIONSobversions n. Plural of obversion.
OBVERSION n. the act of turning toward or downward.
OSSIVOROUSossivorous adj. Bone-eating; of an animal, given to chewing on bones.
OSSIVOROUS adj. feeding on bones.
OVERPOISESoverpoises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overpoise.
OVERPOISE v. to burden with weight sufficient to weigh another down.
PROVISIONSprovisions n. Plural of provision.
provisions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of provision.
PROVISION n. the act of providing.
SOLVATIONSsolvations n. Plural of solvation.
SOLVATION n. a chemical process in which a solute and solvent combine with relatively weak covalent bonds, e.g. hydration.
SOLVOLYSISsolvolysis n. (Chemistry) Any reaction, between a solute and its solvent, in which one or more bonds of the solute…
SOLVOLYSIS n. the decomposition of a dissolved substance.
VASOTOCINSvasotocins n. Plural of vasotocin.
VASOTOCIN n. a polypeptide pituitary hormone.
VASOTOMIESvasotomies n. Plural of vasotomy.
VASOTOMY n. a surgical cutting of the vas deferens.
VIOSTEROLSviosterols n. Plural of viosterol.
VIOSTEROL n. a type of vitamin.
VOODOOISMSvoodooisms n. Plural of voodooism.
VOODOOISM n. the belief in or practice of voodoo.
VOODOOISTSvoodooists n. Plural of voodooist.
VOODOOIST n. a practitioner of voodoo.
VOUSSOIREDvoussoired adj. Having a voussoir.
VOUSSOIR v. to construct with a voussoir.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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