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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2I, M, 2O and U

ACRIMONIOUSacrimonious adj. (Archaic) Harsh and sharp, or bitter and not pleasant to the taste; acrid, pungent.
acrimonious adj. (Figuratively) Angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies: bitter, mean-spirited, sharp…
ACRIMONIOUS adj. caustic, biting, or rancorous esp. in feeling, language, or manner.
ANTIMONIOUSantimonious adj. Of or containing antimony.
antimonious adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Containing trivalent antimony.
ANTIMONIOUS adj. containing trivalent antimony.
AUTOMOBILIAautomobilia n. Everything pertaining to automobiles, especially collectibles.
AUTOMOBILIA n. collectable items of motoring interest.
COMMINUTIONcomminution n. (Often mining, waste management) The breaking or grinding up of a material to form smaller particles.
comminution n. (Traumatology) The fracture of a bone site in multiple pieces (technically, at least three); crumbling.
COMMINUTION n. the act of comminuting.
CONDOMINIUMcondominium n. Joint sovereignty over a territory by two or more countries.
condominium n. (US, Canada, Philippines) A building or complex of buildings that provides multiple residential units…
CONDOMINIUM n. (US) a block of apartments in which each apartment is separately owned.
HOMOIOUSIANhomoiousian adj. Having a similar but not identical essence, especially with reference to the first and second persons of the Trinity.
homoiousian n. (Historical) One of the Semi-Arians of the 4th century who held that the Son was of like, but not the…
HOMOIOUSIAN n. one of those, in the 4th century maintained that the Son had a like but not the same essence or substance with the Father.
IGNOMINIOUSignominious adj. Marked by great dishonor, shame, disgrace or humiliation; shameful, disgraceful.
IGNOMINIOUS adj. marked by disgrace or shame.
IMMUNOLOGICimmunologic adj. Immunological.
IMMUNOLOGIC adj. relating to immunology, also IMMUNOLOGICAL.
IMMUNOTOXICimmunotoxic adj. (Immunology) Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an immunotoxin; toxic to the immune system.
IMMUNOTOXIC adj. relating to an immunotoxin.
IMMUNOTOXINimmunotoxin n. Any compound that is toxic to the immune system.
IMMUNOTOXIN n. a toxin with immunosuppressive effects.
MERITORIOUSmeritorious adj. Deserving of merit or commendation; deserving reward.
MERITORIOUS adj. deserving of honor or esteem.
MOSQUITOIERMOSQUITOEY adj. full of mosquitoes.
MOXIBUSTIONmoxibustion n. (Folk medicine) The burning of moxa against the skin to treat pain or illness.
MOXIBUSTION n. cauterization by use of moxa.
MYIOPHILOUSMYIOPHILOUS adj. pollinated by flies, also MYOPHILOUS.
NONUNIONISMnonunionism n. Lack of unionism; absence of support for a union or trade union.
NONUNIONISM n. opposition to trade unionism.
OMNIFARIOUSomnifarious adj. Of many or all forms, varieties, or kinds.
omnifarious adj. Exceedingly varied.
OMNIFARIOUS adj. of all kinds.
POSITRONIUMpositronium n. (Physics, chemistry) An exotic atom (specifically, an onium) consisting of a positron (anti-electron)…
POSITRONIUM n. a positron and and an electron bound together in a short-lived unit, similar to a hydrogen atom.
ZOOGONIDIUMzoogonidium n. A gonidium that contains spores.
ZOOGONIDIUM n. a swarm-spore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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