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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing I, 2N, P and 2U

NUNCUPATIONSnuncupations n. Plural of nuncupation.
NUNCUPATION n. the act of uttering a vow.
PANNICULUSESPANNICULUS n. a thin, sheetlike garment, also PANNICLE, PANNIKEL.
PUNCTUATIONSpunctuations n. Plural of punctuation.
PUNCTUATION n. the act of punctuating.
PUNCTULATINGpunctulating v. Present participle of punctulate.
PUNCTULATE v. to mark with small dots.
PUNCTULATIONpunctulation n. The quality of being punctulate.
PUNCTULATION n. the state of having small spots.
PUNCTURATIONpuncturation n. The act or process of puncturing.
puncturation n. A puncture mark.
PUNCTURATION n. being marked with punctures.
UNIMPORTUNEDunimportuned adj. Not importuned.
UNIMPORTUNED adj. not importuned.
UNIMPUGNABLEunimpugnable adj. That cannot be impugned; beyond reproach or attack.
UNIMPUGNABLE adj. not impugnable.
UNNILPENTIUMunnilpentium n. (Dated) dubnium.
UNNILPENTIUM n. a former name of the transuranic element dubnium.
UNNILSEPTIUMunnilseptium n. (Dated) bohrium.
UNNILSEPTIUM n. a former name of the transuranic element bohrium.
UNPUNISHABLEunpunishable adj. Not punishable; unable to be punished.
UNPUNISHABLE adj. not able to be punished.
UNPUNISHABLYunpunishably adv. In an unpunishable manner; without being liable to be punished.
UNPUNISHABLE adv. not able to be punished.
UNSURPRISINGunsurprising adj. Not surprising; expected.
UNSURPRISING adj. not surprising or unexpected.
UNSUSPECTINGunsuspecting adj. Not suspecting; without any suspicion.
UNSUSPECTING adj. not suspecting.
UNSUSPICIONSUNSUSPICION n. a lack of suspicion.
UPTHUNDERINGupthundering v. Present participle of upthunder.
UPTHUNDER v. to send up a noise like thunder.
VENIPUNCTUREvenipuncture n. (Hematology) The puncture of a vein, usually to draw a blood sample, collect a blood donation, or insert…
venipuncture v. To puncture a vein in order to collect blood; to perform venipuncture.
VENIPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENEPUNCTURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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