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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing I, M, O, S, T and U

DIMOUTSdimouts n. Plural of dimout.
DIMOUT n. a condition of partial darkness.
GOMUTISGOMUTI n. (Malay) a Malayan palm tree, yielding a black fibre, also GOMUTO.
MISSOUTmissout n. A situation where something is skipped or omitted.
missout n. (Gambling, slang) A die loaded in favor of the house and against the player.
miss␣out v. To miss an experience or lose an opportunity, etc. that should not be missed.
OUTSWIMoutswim v. (Transitive) To swim faster than.
OUTSWIM v. to swim faster or further than.
STOMIUMstomium n. (Botany) The region of a sporangium where dehiscence takes place.
STOMIUM n. a pollen cell which splits open to scatter pollen.
SUMOISTSUMOIST n. a sumo wrestler.
TIMEOUStimeous adj. In sufficient time; timely.
TIMEOUS adj. timely; seasonable, also TIMOUS.
TOURISMtourism n. The act of travelling or sightseeing, particularly away from one’s home.
tourism n. The industry in which such travels and sightseeing are organized.
tourism n. (Figurative) The act of visiting another region or jurisdiction for a particular purpose.
UTOPISMutopism n. Utopianism.
UTOPISM n. the ideals or principles of a utopian.
VOMITUSvomitus n. (Medicine) vomit, the product of an emesis.
VOMITUS n. (Latin) matter vomited.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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