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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing I, L, N, 2P and S

LAPPINGSlappings n. Plural of lapping.
LAPPING n. the act of lapping.
LIPPINGSlippings n. Plural of lipping.
LIPPING n. a liplike outgrowth of bone.
LOPPINGSloppings n. Plural of lopping.
LOPPING n. the act of cutting off.
PLENIPOSplenipos n. Plural of plenipo.
PLENIPO n. (archaic) a plenipotentiary, an envoy having full power.
PULPINGSPULPING n. the act of reducing to pulp.
SAPPLINGSAPPLE v. (Scots) to wash clothes by hand in soapy water.
SIPPLINGsippling v. Present participle of sipple.
SIPPLE v. to sip at leisure.
SLAPPINGslapping v. Present participle of slap.
slapping n. The act of giving a slap or slaps.
slapping n. The slap bass technique.
SLIPPINGslipping v. Present participle and gerund of slip.
slipping n. The act of something that slips; a slip; a skidding or sudden loosening motion.
SLIP v. to slide suddenly and accidentally.
SLOPPINGslopping v. Present participle of slop.
slopping n. Liquid that has been slopped.
SLOP v. to spill or splash.
SNAPPILYsnappily adv. In a snappy manner.
SNAPPY adv. bad-tempered.
SNIPPILYsnippily adv. In a snippy manner.
SNIPPY adv. stingy, snappish.
SUPPLINGsuppling v. Present participle of supple.
SUPPLE v. to make supple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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