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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing I, 2M, N, P and S

IMIPENEMSimipenems n. Plural of imipenem.
IMIPENEM n. a drug used to kill bacteria.
MINICAMPSminicamps n. Plural of minicamp.
MINICAMP n. a brief training camp for football players.
PELMANISMpelmanism n. A system of training to improve the memory.
pelmanism n. A memory card game in which a pack of cards is spread out face down and players try to turn up pairs…
PELMANISM n. a card game in which the cards are spread out face down and have to be picked up in matching pairs.
PEMMICANSpemmicans n. Plural of pemmican.
PEMMICAN n. (Native American) a food prepared by North American Indians, also PEMICAN.
PERSIMMONpersimmon n. A type of fruit, of orange colour, very sweet, quite astringent when immature.
persimmon n. The tree this fruit grows on, generally one of two species of ebony: Diospyros kaki (Asian) or Diospyros…
PERSIMMON n. a kind of plumlike fruit.
SPAMMINGSspammings n. Plural of spamming.
SPAMMING n. sending out electronic junk mail.
SPIMMINGSSPIMMING n. the activity of sending unsolicited commercial communications via an instant-messaging system.
TIMPANUMStimpanums n. Plural of timpanum.
TIMPANUM n. (Latin) the space between an arch and the lintel of a portal, also TYMPANUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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