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There are 15 six-letter words containing J and V

AJIVASajivas n. Plural of ajiva.
AJIVA n. (Sanskrit) inanimate matter.
EVEJARevejar n. Synonym of nightjar.
EVEJAR n. (dialect) the nightjar.
JARVEYjarvey n. (Dated) A hackney coach driver.
jarvey n. (Ireland) The driver of a jaunting car.
JARVEY n. a driver of a horse-drawn taxi, also JARVIE.
JARVIEjarvie n. Alternative form of jarvey.
Jarvie prop.n. A hamlet in Alberta, Canada.
JARVIE n. a driver of a horse-drawn taxi, also JARVEY.
JAVELSjavels n. Plural of javel.
JAVEL n. (Spenser) a worthless fellow.
JAYVEEjayvee n. A member of a junior varsity team.
JAYVEE n. a junior varsity player.
JIVERSjivers n. Plural of jiver.
JIVER n. one who jives.
JIVESTJIVE adj. deceitful.
JIVIERjivier adj. Comparative form of jivey: more jivey.
JIVY adj. jazzy, lively, also JIVEY.
JIVINGjiving v. Present participle of jive.
JIVE v. to dance to jazz or swing music.
JOVIALjovial adj. (Comparable) Cheerful and good-humoured; jolly, merry.
jovial adj. (Not comparable, astrology, obsolete) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Jupiter;…
Jovial adj. (Astronomy, obsolete) Pertaining to the planet Jupiter; Jovian.
JUVIESjuvies n. Plural of juvie.
juvies n. Plural of juvy.
JUVIE n. (slang) a juvenile detention centre.
SVARAJsvaraj n. Alternative form of swaraj.
SVARAJ n. (Sanskrit) self-government, home rule, also SWARAJ.
VEEJAYveejay n. Someone who presents a television programme of videos; a video jockey.
veejay v. To work as a video jockey; to present videos.
veejay n. (Informal) Vagina, vulva.
VERJUSverjus n. Alternative spelling of verjuice.
VERJUS n. the sour juice of crab apples or of unripe fruit (as grapes or apples), also VERJUICE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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