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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing J, M, P and U

BUCKJUMPERbuckjumper n. One who takes part in buckjumping.
buckjumper n. A horse that buckjumps.
BUCKJUMPER n. (Australian) an untamed horse.
JUMPMASTERjumpmaster n. One who supervises the jumping of paratroopers or other parachutists from an aeroplane.
LONGJUMPEDlong␣jumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of long jump.
LONGJUMP v. to jump for distance from a running start.
OUTJUMPINGoutjumping v. Present participle of outjump.
OUTJUMP v. to surpass in jumping.
OVERJUMPEDoverjumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of overjump.
OVERJUMP v. to jump too far.
PANJANDRUMpanjandrum n. An important, powerful or influential person.
panjandrum n. A self-important or pretentious person.
panjandrum n. (Military) A massive, rocket-propelled, explosive-laden cart designed by the British military during World War II.
RAJPRAMUKHrajpramukh n. (India, historical) An appointed governor in certain provinces and states of India, from independence…
RAJPRAMUKH n. (Hindi) the head of a state or states union in the Democratic Republic of India.
SHOWJUMPEDshowjumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of showjump.
SHOWJUMP v. to take part in a showjumping competition.
SHOWJUMPERshowjumper n. Alternative spelling of show jumper.
show␣jumper n. (Equestrianism) A (human or horse) participant in show jumping.
SHOWJUMPER n. a horse or rider in a showjumping competition.
SKIJUMPERSski␣jumpers n. Plural of ski jumper.
SKIJUMPER n. one who engages in the sport of ski-jumping.
SUPERJUMBOsuperjumbo n. The largest passenger airliner, the Airbus A380.
SUPERJUMBO n. a very large airliner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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