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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing J, T and 2U

CAJUPUTSCAJUPUT n. (Malay) a volatile oil, distilled from the leaves of an East Indian tree, also CAJAPUT, CAJEPUT, KAJEPUT.
JIUJITSUjiujitsu n. Alternative spelling of jujitsu.
jiu-jitsu n. Alternative spelling of jujitsu.
jiu-jitsu n. Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
JIUJUTSUjiujutsu n. Alternative form of jujitsu.
JIUJUTSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JUJITSU, JUJUTSU.
JUGULATEjugulate v. (Transitive) To cut the throat of.
JUGULATE v. to cut the throat of.
JUJITSUSjujitsus n. Plural of jujitsu.
JUJITSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JIUJUTSU, JUJUTSU.
JUJUISTSjujuists n. Plural of jujuist.
JUJUIST n. a follower of jujuism.
JUJUTSUSJUJUTSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JIUJUTSU, JUJITSU.
JUMPSUITjumpsuit n. A one-piece item of clothing originally used by parachutists.
jumpsuit n. A similar item of clothing used for outdoor sports such as skiing.
jump␣suit n. Alternative form of jumpsuit.
JUNCTUREjuncture n. A place where things join, a junction.
juncture n. A critical moment in time.
juncture n. (Linguistics) The manner of moving (transition) or mode of relationship between two consecutive sounds;…
NINJUTSUninjutsu n. (Martial arts) A Japanese martial art that is a collection of techniques originally practiced for Japanese…
NINJUTSU n. (Japanese) a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage, also NINJITSU.
OUTJUMPSoutjumps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outjump.
OUTJUMP v. to surpass in jumping.
UNJUSTERunjuster adj. Comparative form of unjust: more unjust.
UNJUST adj. not just.
UNJUSTLYunjustly adv. In an unjust manner.
UNJUST adv. not just.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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